Seven underlings get felony counts, and Wenig gets a $57M exit package? Sign me up for that job.
Another ex-eBay exec admits cyberstalking web souk critics
David Harville, eBay's former director of global resiliency, pleaded guilty this week to five felony counts of participating in a plan to harass and intimidate journalists who were critical of the online auction business. Harville is the last of seven former eBay employees/contractors charged by the US Justice Department to …
Monday 16th May 2022 14:14 GMT Cliffwilliams44
Its a great gig if you can get it!
Get hired on as a CEO of a corporation, brought in with great fan fare that you are going to be the savior of all things. Spend 3 or 4 years totally screwing everything up! Then you "leave to pursue other interests" with a golden parachute. Move on to another company, rinse, repeat!
Sunday 15th May 2022 08:46 GMT Warm Braw
Re: Procurement
There's currently a Dissection Fetal Piglet Real Fetal Dissected PIG 12 Inches In Case ODD RARE being listed, so not impossible.
Sunday 15th May 2022 20:59 GMT aerogems
Just... how? How is it that at least seven different people, all presumably at least with a high school level education, thought that 1) this was a good idea and 2) that they could get away with it? I, for one, had never heard of this publication that had them so riled until the eBayers antics came to light. So just how much damage could this couple have done to eBay's business that eBay hadn't already done to itself?
I hope that the harassed couple wins a judgment so large that these individuals will be forced into financial ruin and then have their wages forever garnished to pay it down. Their names should be mud in the corporate world after this, and the only jobs they can get is flipping burgers or scrubbing toilets at night. If they do settle with the former CEO, they should make one of the terms be that he can never be an officer at any company ever again. Not even a shift manager at a McDonalds.