Mixer services
Mixer services are a legitimate tool to keep cryptocurrency transactions private.
I foresee services automagically exchanging Bitcoin for Monero and vice versa in the near future.
The US Treasury has sanctioned cryptocurrency mixer Blender for its role in helping North Korea's Lazarus Group launder stolen digital assets. As a result, among other limitations, anyone in the United States or a US person can no longer do any business with Blender without special permission from the government. This marks …
They're really not, because keeping cryptocurrency transactions private is not a legitimate goal.
The weird lend-real-money-against-cryptocurrency industry already regards 'coins that have gone through a mixer' as unacceptable collateral; I would expect that in the medium term it will not be possible to sell for real money coins that have ever passed through a mixer.
3 - 5% of fiat currency is used for illicit activities.
Only 0.15% of crypto is used for illicit activities.
The banking system misinformation campaign is working well.
We can’t have a new banking system where the peasants can control their own money otherwise we become irrelevant. Let’s blame everything on crypto.
I hate to be The Guardian guy here but they have a schadenfreude article about people being mugged for relatively small amounts of crypto-currency.
I worry about my posh nephew and niece in London, I bought them QuickClot bandages for when they get stabbed, the same the US Marines are issued. I grew up with that stabbing threat here, constant fighting, they are not aware.
Him and his posh friend were mugged in Primrose Hill, a posh area I've been told, and the muggers demanded his friends £400 designer jacket or else they'd be stabbed. He intervened and demanded to see the knives, concerned it was a bluff. Right enough, combat knives came out. "Michael, you either fight or concede, you don't demand to see weapons especially when it wasn't your jacket."
Most criminal violence comes from the cocaine trade, so legalise and tax it. I say that as someone who can't take cocaine, it knocks me out and makes me piss my pants. It's a thing.
Legalise weed and cocaine. Put them on the same footing as alcohol. Regulate and tax. Cut the bottom out of the illegal market and it will 99% disappear.
Free up the massively limited police resources we do still have from the vast waste of time that is prosecuting people for minor possension, so they could focus on more useful things.
Driving high is already illegal, so don't change that. Turning up at work high would be the same as turning up drunk, and put your job at risk. No change needed there.
The entire country won't suddenly start taking drugs just because they're legal. It's not like they're difficult to get as it is. Most people that will take them are those already taking them. We just won't be criminalising a huge chunk of the population.
I cycled in to work near Leiden after a bleary night of White Widow. It's not why I moved there, but when in Rome, and I'll try anything once except morris dancing.
I assumed I could bluff it by blaming it on my hay-fever. Nope. "Ah yes, the hay is very strong here."
Busted. The guy later explained to me that they knew exactly what was in my system through urine testing. "But I've not had my urine tested." "You've used a urinal here, right?"
I couldn't care if cocaine was legalised but I would love if cannabis was, probably extend my life. I drank far less there.
Me and my mate went drunk into a room full of smokers, my mate was far too chatty for them - kind of like I am on this forum. He called them ponderous tortoises and after a minute one of them took offence claiming, "I read an article, er, er, I read an article somewhere, um, that smoking dope speeds up your reflexes". It clearly does not, but it has other benefits.