I'm all in favour of logging / monitoring of what I do at work
a) web sites I visit, including malware scans
b) Internal machines I attempt to access
c) Emails
d) Port opening / access
a - I'm only going to look at work related sites on my work machine, but logging useful as e.g. say I web search for information, and click through to a result that looks fine but turns out to be a malware site then automated scan has a chance of catching that (plus the logging will show an "innocent" visit to malware page)
b - If I have somehow got zero day malware on my machine it might do all sorts of things to infect the network, pull down extra malware, communicate etc (so linking to a and d also potentially). So logging this sort of thing useful for malware spotting
c - text content only to be human inspected if a valid reason as often contains confidential data, but definitely automated malware scans of email as a must have as even if you are super careful nothing to prevent A N Other sending you a nasty.
What is not appropriate is e.g.
logging of all keystrokes (amount of typing / wpm <> amount of work, lots of software dev / design work is "thinking time", many a bug hunt involves very little typing, e.g. lots of code inspection, the main typing is just opening a file, lots of page down as read it, open another file etc. )
my camera activated without me knowing it (privacy, not just me - in a WFH scenario may be another family member walking past or doing something they don't want seen by all and sundry e.g. breastfeeding )
recording when my PC is "sleeping" during working hours (a bit like the typing thing - thinking time does not mean typing or any interaction with PC, so a sleeping PC does not equate to no work - indeed to avoid pointless teams "pinging" locking the computer often the only way to get a bit of peace and quiet to contemplate a problem without interruption)