back to article REvil resurrected? Ransomware crew appears to be back. Keyword: Appears

The notorious REvil ransomware gang appears to have returned from the bowels of the dark web, three months after the arrest of 14 of its suspected members, with its old website forwarding to a new operation that lists both previous and fresh victims. Back in January, Russia said it dismantled the crime ring's networks and …

  1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey and Money and RATs Tending to Mouse Traps

    Can you imagine the fun to be had whenever internetworking translation services [eg Google Translate/DeepL/Babelfish] are perfected to appear and provide text in context to be believed as if native spoken?

    Happy Days/0days or CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] on Steroids?

    1. My-Handle

      Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey and Money and RATs Tending to Mouse Traps

      *Consults new Martian Translator*

      Ok, I think I've got this one...

      I believe that the perfection of the various online translate services will have only a minor impact on ransomware gangs. The big players (on the Security site at least) have bi/multi-linguists who can perform the necessary translations with little relevant information lost. All the translate services will do is permit smaller players exposure to non-native language message boards.

      Neither Happy Days nor Chaos, more business as usual.

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey and Money and RATs Tending to Mouse Traps

        Quite so, My-Handle,

        Thus creating to the ever increasing greater inconvenience and disadvantage of early establishment players [TLA 5 Eyed Monstrosities] a vast muddied pond of primeval primordial soup with more than just a grand soupçon of overwhelming competition and almighty opposition nowadays ACTively engaged and exercising with spooky presences for strange entanglements at safe and secure remote distances in myriad multiple virtual locations.

        Could we agree Happy Days and Chaotic 0days is/are business as usual for both the past, present and the future, with the latter being easily guaranteed successfully delivered in spades? Or would you be doubting it with thoughts that it be practically impossible rather than realising it possible and virtually certain and most probable with IT and AI Command and Control?

        It’s a fertile field of novel endeavour able to touch on and exercise constraints and open some really wide doors on some really dark matters in all manner of distress in target programs. Here’s one admitting it has problems in the land of the free and home of the brave ........ U.S. Can’t Wait Any Longer for a Cyber Force

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey and Money and RATs Tending to Mouse Traps

        I couldn't decide if I should be impressed or concerned that you speak Martian. Then it turned into a conversation, and I became terrified!

  2. Kurgan

    State sponsored

    Well, I'd say it's state sponsored. Maybe they are the same people (now out of jail and into government operation) or other people just stealing the name.

  3. ZekeStone

    Russian government ties to criminals? Can't say it would surprise me.

    "the sudden reappearance of REvil raises questions about the gang's ties to the Russian government."

    Yeah I wouldn't put it past Putin/the Russian government if they basically made a "work for us and you'll get released" deal with them. If they weren't already working for the Russian government before, it's likely they are now.

    1. Robert Helpmann??

      Re: Russian government ties to criminals? Can't say it would surprise me.

      If they weren't already working for the Russian government before, it's likely they are now.

      It's no longer crime if it's government sanctioned, after all.

      1. seven of five Silver badge

        Re: Russian government ties to criminals? Can't say it would surprise me.

        Rightly so, Mr Drake. Or rather SIR Francis Drake.

  4. Securitymoose

    Cyber warfare

    If we could keep the guns off the streets it would be a small price to pay, but it won't be the first case of poacher turned gamekeeper in the cyber world.

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