back to article Engineers up the torque to get Lucy's solar array latched

Engineers are to double down on efforts to get Lucy's solar array fully deployed amid worries regarding potential damage during a main engine burn of the Trojan asteroid explorer. Problems were noted shortly after launch last year, when one of the probe's 7.3 meter (23.9 feet) solar arrays failed to latch into place after …

  1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "It will have its first Earth flyby and gravity assist in October"

    Send Elon up with a spanner to fix it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      .. and not enough fuel for the return trip. He can take his Tesla that's still floating around somewhere, waiting for a different way to eventually go up in flames.

      1. TheRealRoland

        Can you imagine what would happen a la SevenEves?



  2. Tom 7

    Putting on my manager hat

    just bloody fix it!

    1. innominatus

      Re: Putting on my manager hat

      It'll make an exciting episode of On Call

      1. Caver_Dave Silver badge

        Re: Putting on my manager hat

        In a previous job, my email footer genuinely included the phrase "no off-world site visits"!

    2. herman Silver badge

      Re: Putting on my manager hat

      Snap! Crunch! Zip! And then it is 15 degrees deployed…

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "Lucy is approximately 105.1 million km from Earth"

    Won't anyone think of Scarlett Johansson ?

    1. Zebo-the-Fat

      Re: "Lucy is approximately 105.1 million km from Earth"

      I often do!

      1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

        Hefty tug

        Fnarr fnarr!

  4. ravenviz Silver badge

    Hefty tug

    Fnarr fnarr!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I am perpetually amazed by what Earth's robotic ambassors to space accomplish...

  6. the Jim bloke

    ..and that is why you fail..

    what kind of moron tries to do real science using inches?

    I hope the actual engineering was all done to the millimetre and micrometre, and its only the press releases being translated into the local yokel tribal measurements.

  7. Big_Boomer

    NASA size 15s?

    Sounds like someone is trying to find a way to "give it a good kick". A tried and tested way of fixing things in engineering that "laymen" just don't seem to understand. It's not knowing how to kick it, it's knowing where to kick it,... and how hard. <LOL>

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