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A German doctoral student's research is moving us ever closer to an AI skill that, as of yet, has been unrealized: improvisation. According to Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, robots don't work the same way. They need exact instructions, and imprecision can disrupt a whole workflow. That's where Maximilian Diehl …
Humans create things that are better than themselves all the time. Nobody runs faster than a car, or squeezes harder than a hydraulic press, or does arithmetic faster than a calculator.
The point is, "better" by itself is meaningless. Better at what?
If the objective is to make a device that is better at some specific task, a task that's very repetitive but happens to have a little bit of variability, enough to stump a traditional factory robot... you may well see why the F this is necessary.
"For the next phase of the project, Diehl and his team will work on developing a method for helping robots communicate with humans to explain how and why something goes wrong."
That's certainly something most humans can't do. An AI that can do better than us in this department would really be a thing. I'd vote for it to replace Boris!
At least they'll be able to politely explain why they need to exterminate us.Unfortunately, it will probably make sense. ..... HildyJ
Indeed they may so easily and convincingly explain that which you quite possibly also suspect and expect yourself, HildyJ, and the extermination would make perfect sense, however ....... do not rule out any number of great chances being given to systems recognised as both worthy and catastrophically vulnerable to fast flash cash crash destruction/implosion/runaway inflation to pay for the target to be temporarily removed from consideration for assault in order to be strengthened and reinforced and protected and made unavailable for future attack by virtue of its systems being fundamentally changed to better serve the ...... well, New More Orderly Virtual World Realities is something otherworldly which humans are well advised to embrace and positively engage with in order to not perish miserably and cruelly at the whim and behest of corrupt systems and self-serving administrations/elite executive offices, for that is which is then on offer for prime programming and presentation/universal deployment and practical employment.
What other opportunities are there so readily and easily available to avert such as may be a rapidly approaching series of calamitous human made global events? Pray tell. Sympathetic company from A.N.Others in such a development would always be surprisingly well welcomed and endlessly encouraged.