At 45RPM, re: documentation.
Back when I was still in school, my BioDad did freelance work as a technical writer for various large ThreeLetterAgencies whom shall remain nameless lest they come after me.
Anyway, I often used the family computer to type up my homework, especially ((Foreshadowing alert! Foreshadowing alert!)) my English reports. I'd been given a report to write about hummingbirds & had dutifully typed it up, formatted it, & made it look all pretty for my teacher as she preferred. Then I saved it to my "homework" floppy, ejected said floppy, & put it in my personal disk keeper.
BioDad comes home & starts typing up his own "homework". Finishes, goes to save it, can't find a blank disk, & reaches for my disk keeper because he knows I've got some blanks. ((Can you see where this is going?))
I get to school the next day, go to the computer lab to use their printer, and pull out my disk keeper. Except my homework disk isn't in it. I promptly panic. I *know* I put it in there, I made sure of that fact so I wouldn't forget the disk & leave it at home. I've got a report (rough draft, but still) due later that afternoon, but no disk upon which said report has been saved. I use my lunch break to *sprint* home, ransack the computer room to try & find my homework disk, & find it atop my BioDad's work folder. I don't care, think nothing of that fact, snatch it, & sprint back to school.
Back in the lab, disk in drive, take a directory... What are all these strange file names on MY disk? GAH! It's not my homework. It's my homework disk, but not *my* homework! I put the disk back in the keeper, promise my teacher that I'll bring her the rough draft as soon as I fix the issue with the disk drive at home, & she lets me off the hook.
Get home after school & go through each & every loose floppy on the computer desk to try & find where my file might be. I finally find a temp copy of my report, clean it up, update it, finish it, & save it not only to my homework disk, but to a backup floppy marked "DO. NOT. ERASE!" in big, bold, all caps, neon Sharpie marker to make sure nobody messes with it. I then store the homework disk in my keeper & "hide" the spare in my English book.
BioDad comes home & heads for the computer to do some more work. "Son, where is the disk labeled home work? I left it right here on the desk."
Ah HA! So you did steal my disk, you fat arsed bastard. "That was my English Homework disk. It has my English homework on it. Homework I did *not* have in my keeper when I arrived at school today, even though the report saved to it was due today. Do you mean THAT disk?"
BioDad at least has the decency to look sheepish, but he still needs the disk back so he can pull his stuff off of it. I hand it over & stand there with my hand out waiting to get it back. He is not pleased. I don't care.
I should have looked at the specific files he copied off the disk. Not that he erased them afterwards, but...
Fast forword a month & he comes home confused & a bit frustrated. It seems he had printed out the report he'd written about some hot-shit tech he'd been contracted to write about, but embedded in his report was "some wierd shit about Hummingbirds. I couldn't figure out WTF!"
I nearly laughed myself sick when I realized that dingbat had somehow managed to include my English report on birds in his tech document about hot shit TLA tech.
Moral of the story: please be careful where you save your work, it can mean the difference between impressing your employer & coming across as an idiot. =-D