> In the US, all-caps acronyms are a common way for lawmakers to embed some aptly pandering phrase within legislative shorthand. For example, consider the DISCLOSE (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections) Act of 2015. Europol, however, appears to have resorted to capital letters merely for emphasis.
It's the same with military ops.
The left-pondians tend to make some kind of political point when naming, whereas we use a computer to generate a random name so we've sonething non-political but specific to call it.
Capitalisation of the name in written comms is the accepted style (although not consistently mandatory)
Take the war in Afghanistan for example:
US: Operation Enduring Freedom
Same sort of thing with Iraq
US: Operation Iraqi Freedom
TBH, I always found the US way weird - there's no real brevity benefit in "Operation Enduring Freedom", you may as well just mention the specific theatre. It also leaves open the chance of a name change if the name becomes inappropriate for some reason.
It's a bit like naming vulnerabilities, it's useful to have a name to refer to things by, but it doesn't need to mean anything (and it doesn't *have* to be a bacronymn)