Re: ROTM - IT Surveillance Threshold
Hiya EM,
I posted far and wide at the start of the millennia that democratic resistance to a state would soon be impossible due to the technological imbalance between states and corporations versus citizens. I cite China and the US as examples that prove my point.
I protested the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and our state dropped a tonne of bricks on me - blacklisted, questioned for terrorism, my family harassed, and really annoyingly accused of being a fascist. In case it needs to be said, peace protester, anti-fascist. I'll be doing a NVDA outside the Russian consulate when/if I'm fitter.
Our state had my fingerprints and DNA on my first arrest 20 years ago, and I'm sure they still do but it's kind of shitty they are sharing them. I'd maybe want to visit Canada or New Zealand, can't risk that now despite no convictions.
My heart breaks for Russian peace protesters who know they will be arrested, imprisoned, beaten-up, excluded. And I am furious at the hypocrisy of our politicians condemning Russian state acts without admitting their own crimes. Last week Tony Blair said the invasion of Iraq was maybe a mistake. Aye, ye think so Tony? Is that right? I guess that makes everything alright then.
I loathe Nietzsche who was never a philosopher just a master of bon mots. "Battle ye not with monsters lest ye become a monster."
As always Nietzsche was wrong, we have to battle monsters but keep our finger off the trigger.
I seem to have strayed off topic somewhat. Initially I opposed DNA collection like I opposed CCTV, on principle. I don't really mind now. I don't rape or murder anyone, and it is the status quo.
You were the guy who was stabbed for wearing a puffer jacket, right? When I was 11 I was beaten up by a catholic thug for wearing a snorkel jacket. I was a good fighter, but he just pulled down my hood and repeatedly kicked me in the face. Fatal flaw in the jacket design but I thought I was just battling the cold.
It cheers me up to see you posting here, and not many things cheer me up.
Heroiam slava!