Time to switch OS, if you haven't?
I'll get shot down over this, no doubt, voted down out of existence.
However, it seems clear to me, that switching to Linux (or macOS if that's your thing), is probably a better option than going from win10 to win11?
I'm just looking at this from the sidelines, as I did BOTH when windows 8 shat itself onto the world - switched to macOS and Linux.
I finally cut ties with windows for a gaming machine, about 6 months back - that was my last tie to cut.
Thanks to Valve, every game I own, works as well under Linux as it did under windows 10.
Sure, for non-steam games, it takes a bit of geekery to make stuff work - RDR2 took me about 6 hours to sort out.
For anything other than holding on for gaming, the only reason to keep on using windows, is if you are unfortunately bound to it via the work you do - or if you are just a sucker for punishment.
The writing is on the wall, windows 11 is just another shit release of an OS that was once upon a time, actually bloody brilliant.
I *loved* win2k - and winXP/ win7 were pretty much that with some bells and whistles - no problem upgrading, back in the day - I was windows through and through, despite dabbling with Linux on the sidelines.
Then win8 hit ... splattering against the toilet bowl, as Microsoft, for God knows what reason, decided they could take on the mobile device space.
They failed so badly, so completely, it left windows 8 a turd floating around in the bowl.
An unloved terrible experiment in how not to make an OS both desktop and mobile at the same time.
There's a reason Apple has macOS and iOS - microsoft clearly didn't get the memo about the paradigm shift.
With each iteration since win8, for anyone using windows, it seems to be clear that control was being taken away.
It isn't *your* computer, it's microsoft's computer - if they feel like stuffing your start menu full of adverts, either suck it down, or learn to change the default settings.
It's an opt-out, rather than an opt-in.
Seriously, for any computer loving geek, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee - microsoft, in terms of a desktop OS, is a terrible choice in 2022.
Vote me down, whatever ... you know, in your heart, I'm right.