Deadly combination
The power Zuck's money and the power of Zuck's ego.
Every time I think it couldn't get worse, it does.
Facebook parent Meta, which has been struggling to compete against TikTok, has reportedly been paying a Republican-oriented consulting firm to encourage negative media reports about the Chinese-owned rival. According to The Washington Post, Targeted Victory, a firm founded by Zac Moffatt, former digital director of Republican …
No, they are proud of obfuscating the fact that their masters (ok, their masters' platform) encouraged young people to slap their teachers and vandalise their schools and at that they then managed to convince the general public that it was the competitor's fault.
Any consulting company that worked for Mitt Romney, is not "Republican". It is RINO! Mitt doesn't represent anything that true Republicans stand for.
And if you dug into this companies client list, you would find they've worked for both sides. Whores are never that selective about their paying customers!
So, what is a true republican?
You revisionist maga fools. Romney is the most "true republican" there is, before it was taken over by proud-to-be-stupid conspiracy theory racist fascist nutjobs.
And even he is way off from the real Republican party, before it was taken over by corporation-bribed politicians who are only accountable to their donors. (Yes, the Dems are bad in that aspect too)
The "True Republican" supports equal pay, the minimum wage, asylum for refugees, protections for unions and more.
It's all listed here: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/oct/28/facebook-posts/viral-meme-says-1956-republican-platform-was-prett/
What's that? But that was 64 years ago???
The racist (https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/08/second-amendment-guns-racist-black-americans-history.html and https://www.npr.org/2021/06/02/1002107670/historian-uncovers-the-racist-roots-of-the-2nd-amendment?t=1648775883460) second amendment you hold sacrament is over 200 years old.
Meta leans towards money, pure and simple. There are many more Democrat leaning voters than Republican leaning voters (hence all the voter suppression bills in Republican states). So, they went where more people are, until it is convenient to try to take down a perceived rival. May FB go the way of MySpace.
Having bipartisan teams is not really something to boast about. The typical campaign "victory" comes in a war created artificially where no real conflict previously existed - usually facilitated by social media and serving the interests of a small handful of people. The notion that "both sides do it" - and indeed the notion that there have to be exactly two sides - simply underscores the cynicism.
So, facebook paid a company to spread challenges on its own platform encouraging kids to assault their teachers and vandalise their schools?
Just because it was done by the not-at-all-sinisterly-named company they paid to do it doesn't absolve them of responsibility. Incitement to violence and destruction isn't some small thing, it's a serious crime. I would expect a thorough and far-reaching police investigation into all this, as it's somewhat beyond legitimate lobbying and campaigning. Plus massive civil lawsuits for any damages caused as a result of paying to encourage kids to commit serious crimes.
Ruin kids lives, just to try and preserve your own profit making? Must seem like the logical next step to them after they've been allowed to trash so much else with impunity.
Yes and it's weird and sad they're allowed to legally do it.
Facebook is spreading fake news on Facebook about TikTok which is real on Facebook and was already spread once. So yes, they're spreading this physical assault "challenge" once again, now they've spread it TWICE and nobody does anything against Facebook for it.
I think you will find they weren't actually spreading the challenge. What Targeted Victory (definitely nothing sinister sounding about that name!) was doing was falsely telling various media networks that this challenge was being spread on Tik Tok, and arent Tik Tok evil for not doing something about it. This was an obvious attempt to try and get parents to ban their kids from using Tik Tok because of this "Evil".
That the challenge was spreading on Facebook, and Facebook were not doing anything about it, shows just how f%&ked up Meta/Facebook/Zuck are, that they'd rather use something like that to try to damage a rival then to actually try and stop it in the first place.
"TikTok is the real threat especially as a foreign owned app that is #1 in sharing data that young teens are using.'"
What's really appalling about this is the assumption that nobody has the wit to choose to or be able to work out who would be #1 in its place and that that assumption might be justified.