back to article Boom times for North America's big datacenter real estate market

Datacenter demand is booming in North America as the economy recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report from CBRE. The real estate services and investments specialist said that in the primary datacenter market areas (Northern Virginia, Silicon Valley, Chicago, New York Tri-State, Dallas, Phoenix, and Atlanta …

  1. W.S.Gosset Silver badge

    Electricity supply

    > 3,358MW ... another 728MW ... generators

    That's some serious power draw.

    Anyone have any hard insight into its intra-day "shape"? Constant-ish/flat for global demand? Bell-curve or sawtooth/square for local business demand?

    1. Tom 7

      Re: Electricity supply

      Most offices seem to have a pretty much square wave day time demand. Canteens can screw that up but in the UK if you can stick PV up its pretty much the best way to spend some dosh. You get a good 7% return on the money and that was before the current price rises. If the perovskite panels live up to their promise then you can more than double the return, and borrowing the money will be profitable in the long term. Landlords might even consider it worth doing!

  2. heyrick Silver badge


    This article follows an advert from Pantheon that screamed in really big letters "Website hosting is dead".

    1. W.S.Gosset Silver badge

      Re: Hmm...

      "Host your own website yourself, on our cloud platform"

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