Coughing at your phone? They must be barking....
Testing for COVID with the sound of a cough? There’s an app for that
An Australian software developer claims to have created a smartphone app that can accurately diagnose COVID-19 by listening to a user's coughs. ResApp Health is so confident in its tech that it announced the results [PDF] of a pilot clinical trial on the Australian Stock Exchange. So while the results have not been peer …
Wednesday 23rd March 2022 08:55 GMT Blergh
Are they only testing for fake coughs?
I must be missing something here, did they only have test groups of people with and without Covid?
If that is the case then this is rubbish because all they are testing for is if someone is faking a cough or not.
How many people with coughs caused by other non-covid ailments did they test, and what was that accuracy?
I think I would then like to subdivide those groups (covid, non-covid, other infection types) further with those who have active coughs caused by their ailments against those who have a respiratory type infection without an active cough.
Thursday 24th March 2022 09:27 GMT Charlie Clark
Coughing is only likely to occur if there has been damage to the bronchia, which is apparently less likely with the Omicron variant, which tends to infect other parts of the respiratory system first.
Hence testing someone with symtoms during a pandemic doesn't sound particularly revolutionary is very much like closing the door after the horse has bolted. Antigen tests remain about the best we have because testing positive is a good indication that you're infectious.
Sunday 3rd April 2022 12:25 GMT Shalghar
Re: Omicron is a game changer
.....and how will i ever know which (or - in case of asymptomatic disease - how many) CoViD variant(s) i had ?
Neither the antigen tests nor the PCR tests give any indication which variant has bitten you.
Same for the recovery certificate (which has no connection to you current health status as the RKI just slaps a full 4 weeks on the date of your PCR test to declare you recovered and disregards any negative tests which is why my recovery certificate wont be valid until april, 7th...).
Symptoms we experienced were like a common cold, albeit remarkably stronger while my (biontech placebo) "vaccinated" wife suffered for a week longer than me. The older children (also biontech) were somewhat between us two while the youngest son (neither vaccinated nor ill) tested daily but never got a positive result.
None of us had a significant number of coughs during that time so no luck for the app. Or does this app also work with "faked", intentional coughing ? And if so, would that mean that i can fake the fake cough good enough to be positive or negative as i like ?
Wednesday 23rd March 2022 13:20 GMT Danny 2
Re: "I'm on the train"...
You joke, but my long-standing smokers' cough stops me from taking public transport to avoid panic. On the other hand, I can use it to scare away maskless shoppers so I've not had covid.
My sympathies to the folk here with the BA2 'stealth' variant. My very fit, triple jabbed nephew has been laid low with it, and it amazes me that we are ending free testing and mask rules at the height of infections.
[Off topic/ too much information: I've lost 20% of my weight and most of my muscle recently, and one nasty side effect was constipation. Turns out a good coughing fit in the smallest room greatly aids bowel movement]
Wednesday 23rd March 2022 13:33 GMT Androgynous Cupboard
Re: "I'm on the train"...
A friend was on the tube wearing her mask when some bell-end opposite her made a "sheeple" comment - "what are you afraid of". She replied "oh it's not for me - I've got COVID. But as you don't mind...", and proceeded to take off her mask and start coughing in his direction. She said he did not look at all comfortable.
Wednesday 23rd March 2022 16:52 GMT Danny 2
Re: "I'm on the train"...
I've not found a GP in two years and in November resorted to A&E, who kindly gave me a trainee doctor for twenty minutes. I'd assumed all my symptoms were a disease but she reassured me.
Why am I so weak? "Muscle loss due to malnutrition"
What are the constant shooting pains in my legs? "Lower back injury"
What about the awful constipation? "That's just tough shit I'm afraid"
I told her I was grateful for her time, and to invite me when she swapped to stand-up comedy.
Thursday 29th December 2022 17:43 GMT joshphillips
why face mask is important for covid?
Wearing a face mask helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by trapping droplets that are released when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. Without a mask, these droplets can easily spread to others, potentially transmitting the virus. Therefore, not wearing a face mask can increase the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19.