Not just printer subscriptions
I'm an RBS 'customer'.
I recently had an annually recurring payment for my one of my car insurance rejected (yes it is partly my fault for leaving a debit card as the payment method with the insurance company, but this is quite normal for the UK). I don't know that SCA was the problem, but the timing is right.
I got a text from the Bank saying that they had blocked the payment. No explanation, but a query that said the following :- "Reply Y if you made this transaction, please note that this will NOT cause the transaction to go through".
Huh. I don't get a chance to authorize the payment? So what benefit to me is confirming the transaction?
I called RBS, and was told that this was a suspicious transaction. Huh again? I've made two adjustments to this insurance since the last renewal (which was also paid the same way) using the same payment method, and the recipient is a valid UK insurance company. Why is this suspicious?
They could not say, and they also could not do anything to authorize the payment, but they did tell me to wait a few days, and see whether the payment was attempted again.
So I did, and it wasn't, and I then found out I had been driving without insurance for several days, because the insurance premium was being collected on the last day of the previous policy.
I got away with it (I think, still time for an ANPR check to come through, although I only did a few short journeys in that car that week) but even parking a car on the road nowadays without insurance is a traffic offense.
So I could have spotted this sooner if I had been more diligent about checked my spam folder for the mail from the insurance company about the failed payment, but I feel that SCA may have had a part in this, and I am appalled by both the process and the bad advice I got from the RBS.
What are the chances RBS would compensate me if I do get fined? Pretty slim, I guess.
Stop the world, I want to get off!