Re: LMDE is an interesting project, but there are restrictions
[Author here]
Yes, true, and that is what I meant when I wrote:
There are advantages to being close to a widely used desktop distro. For instance, sometimes desktop users need third-party drivers, such as for graphics cards or printers. Ubuntu has first-rate driver support.
Ubuntu itself is moving away from PPAs towards Snaps now, though. PPAs are very easy but they can also break your OS, and they tend to be fragile over time.
On 2 of my oldest machines, I've had to go through, track down all the PPA and additional repos, remove them, and either replace them with new ones, or rip them out and replace the apps with Snap versions.
If it's a DEB repo you add in the normal way (e.g. Ubuntuzilla) then you can do that on Debian in exactly the same way, as I described here: