I once used MS Access...
I was doing a temp job at some small mom & pop shop. I don't remember what initial task I'd been given but I finished far too quickly for their comfort. Boss lady asks me how I managed to finish so fast & I showed her the steps I'd used to do it. She was flabbergasted because her permie employee whom was out on maternity leave that I was temping to replace usually took _days_ to get it done & I'd done it in less time than it took to brew up a pot of water for tea.
Boss lady starts looking around for other stuff that I might do since I had the time. She finds an old to do list that included a bunch of stuff that had never gotten done. She hands me the list & tells me to "do as much as you can while you're here".
Most of it is stupid stuff that's patheticly easy to do if you have any geek genes in your blood. I wind up finishing everything on the list before lunch, except for the very last item. I save that for after lunch & get up to clock out for munchies.
Boss lady asks me about my progress. I tell her that the list is done except for the last one. She blinks at me as if I'd just grown another head & started talking in Klingon. She demands to see. I show her. She shakes her head in amazement & tells me to go enjoy my lunch.
I come back, sit down, & read the action item description to make sure I understand exactly what was requested. It turns out to be a smallish database to keep track of their back up tape library LTO casettes. Tape number, current shelf location, currently # in the que to be used for the next backup, if it needs to be replaced due to age or bad r/w errors, etc.
It's a small office that only had a few dozen tapes. There's no way it needs the full might of their $BigNameDataBase software to get done. So I fire up MS Access & start creating. It actually takes me about 3/4ths of my remaining shift to finish. Mostly because I got bored & started making it pretty once the functionality had been cemented.
About an hour before it's time for me to go I hand Boss lady the crossed off to do list & say "Done."
She tilts her head, jabs a finger at the last item, & asks "Even that one?"
I nod & show her that it does what the system requirements specified, that it's currently using a few automated scripts to keep itself up to date every ~5 minutes, & should continue to keep working as long as the computer it's on continues to function.
Another open mouthed, head tilted, gaping like a landed fish moment. She thanks me for working there that day but informs me that "you've just worked yourself out of coming back. I had figured you would need a week. You did it all in ONE. STINKING. DAY. ... There's no point in coming back in the morning, there's nothing left for you to do!"
I shrug, smile, thank her & leave...
Fast forward to early 2002~2003 & I get a call from Boss lady. They want to know if they can sell copies of the "program I'd written". I inform her that it's not up to me since it's an MS Access database kludge. She sighs & grumps "Figures. It's been running flawlessly for all these years. It's probably the only thing IN this place that HAS. Thanks anyway. Bye." *Click*
I've posted this anon because I don't want to openly admit to having used the damned program, much less that a Microsoft product somehow managed to keep working for over a decade.
*Headdesks repeatedly in angst*