back to article Brain-like neurochips good for supercomputers, not just AI, says Sandia

Neuromorphic chips that mimic the way brains work may have broad applicability for high-performance computing applications and could be a better fit than CPUs and GPUs in some cases, according to Sandia National Laboratories in the US. Neuromorphic computing represents a fundamental change in the way data is processed and …

  1. Korev Silver badge

    The Sandia researchers don't expect neuromorphic computing to dominate the future of HPC as it can be costly to move data on or off the brain-like chips when data sets get larger. But workarounds can be made — for instance, choosing to process and output summary statistics rather than raw data

    This is pretty much the same as with GPUs today, where getting the data in and out of system memory is a bottleneck, the other problem is the size of the GPU memory which sets a pretty hard limit on how far you can push things.

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