First law
First law of robotics indeed.
Jeremy Clarkson brought up a good point in one of those Grand Tour shows or possibly one of the last episodes of Top Gear with him in it (I think he was, as he likes to do, just trying to be a smartass and brought up an interesting topic unintentionally.). I thought the example was contrived (and it is) but found it interesting that the car companies truly have not come up with some standard on what behavior is expected or desired.
So, you have a vehicle that has gotten into a situation where some kind of accident is inevitable. It can brake while going straight, running into whatever's ahead of it and killing the passenger. Or, it can veer right, veering into a pile of nuns but saving the passenger. Clarkson of course said it should save him at all costs.
This sounds silly, but this was brought up to several car companies developing self-driving vehicles; one clearly said it'd pick the path that caused the fewest deaths, killing the passenger. The other clearly said passenger safety is paramount, they would program their vehicles to veer off the road into the pile of nuns to save the passenger.