Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Stop trying to make the browser into an "everything & the kitchen sink" singing, dancing, do all & be all program. It has one purpose: to render the HTML code into something the visitor of the site can read. Stop trying to make it cover up your inability to code your way out of a wet bog roll.
Go back to HTML 1.0, perhaps add in a bit of DHTML, but stop all the CSS, JS, ActiveX, *scripting, attempts to cram 20Stone of shite into a 1Stone bag that is the current web.
Want it to be faster? Better? More responsive? Cleaner? Accessible? Then KISS & it'll happen naturally as a result of NOT opening every security-exploit in the known universe through your page.
You don't get to dictate the device, OS, browser, screen resolution, nor any other aspect of what the visitor has by which to view the web. It's not your job to even try. Unless you are going to buy them a brand new computer & provide a gigabit fibre connection to replace what they've got access to, then the only thing you can do is to write your site in such a way as to be properly viewable on *any* device, OS, browser, screen resolution, etc.
If your site involves a "Best if viewed on $Browser/$OS/$ScreenResolution" style bit, please step away from the computer, go back to school to learn proper web coding, and don't come back until you can create something that works.
Think of it this way: if you had a physical brick store & told all your customers that they needed to be of a certain height, weight, skin colour, & ethnicity, you wouldn't get much business. Why? Because you are intentionally telling "non compliant" customers that they're not good enough to spend their money with you. Do you want customers? Do you want them to spend their money in your store? Then don't stop them from doing it.
TL;DR: If you want site traffic to be as smooth & pleasing as possible, remember the KISS principal & write your code accordingly.