back to article Millions of dollars pour into security compliance startups amid pressure on business

Government agencies and industry groups are putting increasing pressure on enterprises to ensure their systems, and the vast amounts of data they are holding, are protected against the growing threat of ransomware and others cyber-attacks. The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California …

  1. Mike 137 Silver badge

    "vendors are entering the space with plans to leverage automation to ensure compliance"

    In my long experience, automation has never been and never will be the key to compliance. What's needed is appreciation of the purpose of compliance and commitment to fulfilling that purpose. It's a governance problem, not a technology one.

    Every organisation I've ever worked with has viewed "compliance" as doing the bare minimum to satisfy some auditor. The point they've all missed is that actual compliance in practice can protect the enterprise against accidents,whereas minimalist pseudo-compliance is just a cost centre. However there are big bucks in provision of automation, and it as appears to absolve the deployer from responsibility, it's become the way to go whether it's really effective or not.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Talk about facing both ways at once.......

    Quote: "Government agencies and industry groups are putting increasing pressure on enterprises to ensure their systems, and the vast amounts of data they are holding, are protected...."

    ....Yup.....protected against the NSA, GCHQ, and lots of other GOVERNMENT agencies doing the hacking.....

    Talk about facing both ways at the same time...........

    ..............(1) NCSC =

    ..............(2) GCHQ =

    Quote (William Burroughs): The paranoid is a person who knows a little of what is going on.

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