Singularly pretentious
"I'm sorry Satya, I can not let you do that. It would jeopardise the mission."
Microsoft has revealed it operates a planet-scale distributed scheduling service for AI workloads that it has modestly dubbed "Singularity". Described in a pre-press paper [PDF] co-authored by 26 Microsoft employees, Singularity's aim is described as helping the software giant control costs by driving high utilization for deep …
Azure has taken us back to the 90's, those dark ages where enlarging windows drives was still dark magic involving runes and secret sermons.
Maybe MS its AI will solve this issue biting many in the world on a daily basis, or maybe even it introduces Volume management to Windows server like AIX has since 1990 and linux since the early 2000's.
MS is of course forgiven for these omissions since windows server is for free ... :).
Slightly more seriously, why on all earth did MS use a name already "taken" in supercomputing?
Hmm ...
Maybe you are too young and have not seen these things happen ...
This is the way MS does, works and expands.
It has been so from more than 30 years now.
So it is just their usual embrace, extend, and extinguish.
Just not applied on someone else's software, just someone else's idea for a name.
On a more serious note, it does sound a bit like Microsoft are slowly inventing a mainframe computer, but not yet realising that they are. ..... Howard Sway
Howard Sway, Hi,
On an even more serious note, it does sound a lot like Microsoft are repackaging a VAIOSystem* over which they have no prime exclusive executive rights to premium command for control.
Common sense, wisdom and experience all dictate that such then automatically renders them catastrophically vulnerable to that and/or those so enabled to provide such missing services/leading programs.
* ...... Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating System for Alien Phorms of Execution exercising Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Applications.
And yes, before anyone suggests otherwise, that is something to be considered valid and seriously, for it is certainly not gobbledygook ..... not that such clear unambiguous information will prevent more than just a few from proving themselves to all to be deaf, dumb and blind to matters freely revealed to them.
Are they those who are usually collectively classed as being unusually retarded and in need of special constant help and particular peculiar attention?
... thanks to "a novel technique called replica splicing that makes it possible to time-slice multiple workers on the same device with negligible overhead, while enabling each worker to use the entire device memory."
... without doing massive task switching of the entire device memory from virtual reality.
... it's virtually possible, we're just looking into the nitty gritty of reality.
Is Microsoft really paying 26 people to spew forth this rubbish ? and why ?