Wanted Urgently, Excellent Terms and Conditions, Benefits and Remuneration ..... Quantum Leapers
The next enterprising stage for Classiq research and venture capital funding .......the Classiq platform outperforms outputs from agnostic quantum circuits.
And yes, that does mean there is a real live quantum beta space race for/when there is limitlessly resourced competition ..... where a this can be a that, and whenever both are entangled together, something else again altogether quite different and novel, and maybe even creatively unique and ideal .... as in Heavenly or Diabolical dependent upon one predisposition of support which would favour one of those two available extremes to the detriment of the other.
A simple binary choice in a complex quantum matter which will dictate whether one succeeds spectacularly or fails catastrophically. Best then and there to choose wisely, methinks. :-) To the Valiant Victor go Worthy Deserved Spoils.