Skid mark
Put everything in the cloud, then backdoor the cloud, then 'shock-horror' enemies use the same cloud with the same backdoors to undermine you! Who would have thought that could happen! That data should never leave the defense contractors premises, once they move it to the cloud they exposed it to attack. Who needs to fish a stealth fighter from the ocean and reverse engineer it, when you can download its plans from a cloud server with a weak password!
Brett Kavanaugh let foreign powers fund US political campaigns, a lot of Delaware front companies appeared with Russian money then funded a bunch of treasonous Republicans. He backdoored politics. Republicans wanted the money and he ruled they could get that money as long as it was a US subsidiary of the Russian firm, and his payback was to be made a Supreme Court Judge. Concorde Management literally cited Kavanaugh's ruling as defence for their funneling of Russian money to Republicans. But Trump's DOJ canned the case anyway that defense never even got tested.
How many secrets were simply taken out to Mar-a-lago, for Russians to copy there. The political backdoor is far worse than technical backdoors, because its so much easier to exploit.
Alaska is a sparsely populated nation neighboring Russia, Alaska is part of NATO, Russian has historic links to Alaska. Tuckers words, attempting to undermine Ukraine, also apply to Alaska. Putin wants control of the resources because control of resources gives him control of a country. It comes down to bidding: which Republican will pay Putin the most for Putin's help getting elected. Tucker the treasonous skid mark that he is, will offer the most: Alaska.
If you don't understand what Tucker is up to, just realize he's planning a Presidential run with Putin's help. Now you understand why he's variously fluffed Putin, and Putin's puppets in Hungary and USA. Those "man of the people photoshoots", do not make sense when you're "Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, heir to the Swanson food fortune", but so many things about his recent actions *do* make sense when you realize he fancies himself as President.
So President Tucker get his wishes and becomes President surrounded by wackadoodle Republicans all beholden to Putin.
So now, look at Alaska, do you imagine for a second that a President Tucker, would take the actions needed from a President to defend Alaska from Russian takeover? No he would not. He would simply sell it back to them, and with it, he'd sell control of the USA. Putin would control Alaskan oil.
Republicans would impeach him, you'd say? Which Republicans would that be? Hawley? Bobert? Graham? Cruz? Johnson? Rand Paul? Gaetz? Gosar? Jordan? McCarthy? Taylor Greene? Or the raft of new Putin friendlies coming into politics? Can you even name the others? I think one if called "Shaun", one is called "Dolly", one token one called "Ba baa black".... they all vote with the rest blindly.
This is the deal Ukraine faced under Viktor Yanukovych, he did a deal with Putin, all gas to Ukraine would be sold through a middle-man company, that company would overcharge Ukraine, and make huge profits, those profits would fund Yanukovych, his supporters, and Putin's interests in the world. Ukrainians paid to be taken over by Russia with their own money, by their own traitors.
It's the deal USA will face under Carlson. If you do not change course now.
tldr; backdoors bad, Carlson traitor.