IIRC Ericsson has had a tendency to allow local reps to "do business the local way", and gotten caught at it. Either more prevalent than other or more inept at covering it up...
That said Sweden has long had as low level (but possibly increasing) problem with the corruption pattern of some government official making a deal with a company, and soon thereafter quitting to get a nice job at the same company[1]. With NPM oozing into all aspects of government services (schools, care, etc) there is a pattern of current politicians making deals with companies either owned by or employing ex-politicians in leading roles. I *think* the classic brown envelope style of corruption is quite uncommon, and as a private citizen I would never expect to be able to e.g. "pay the fine in cash right here" if caught speeding. The problem is that once all the regular folks and low level officials see the higher ups do their kind of corruption, the temptation to start taking bribes increases.
[1] $BUILDER gets the contract to build something for the county, and the official in charge of infrastructure changes jobs a year or two later, to a nice post at $BUILDER... Also "you get the contract to build X/get to purchase the land you want from the county for a good price, and in return you sponsor the football team I happen to chair in my free time".