Meh. It's a Microsoft product - of course it is buggy as hell and perpetually hosed.
My installation hasn't let me switch chats for over a month - I have to "pop out" the chat window if I want to chat with anyone other than who it had on top when it started. And then every once in a while it decides that the pop out windows should be invisible so I have to kill off the fool thing and relaunch it.
We also get problems with major echoing if certain Linux users of the tool join a call. That has been going on for about 2-3 months.
The one thing you can count on with a Microsoft product? Abject failure to deliver basic functionality on a random basis for the entire existence of the product as they "enhance" the product until it is broken. Truly an engineering mentality over there. "If it ain't broke, enhance it until it is..." :(