Re: "Intel will start selling a chip to mine bitcoin"
I think the naysayers are mostly consoling soothing themselves for not having got in on Bitcoin early. Firstly, there's nearly 10000 other cryptocurrencies presently. To say "Bitcoin is nearing end-of-life, the number of minable coins is almost depleted." is ridiculous, although the Headline did specify "Bitcoin" rather than the more accurate label "cryptocurrency", so Garbage In, Garbage Out.
And again "Block chain is a terrible ledger system" (Blockchain is one word, bazza) perhaps may apply to Bitcoin only, maybe for 8000 other cryptocurrencies, doesn't apply to the entire blockchain concept "it is also being used to record and track transactions of assets in verticals like manufacturing and real estate". So, such a bad system is getting quite a bit of traction again the Register doesn't mention the financial sector. The "City of London" is certainly taking notice.
But who am I? I'm just a guy watching my $100US Bitcoins bounce back to over $41,000US. I guess I'm a total idiot!