back to article Dog forgets all about risk of drowning in a marsh as soon as drone dangles a sausage

Man's best friend, though far from the dumbest animal, isn't that smart either. And if there's one sure-fire way to get a dog moving, it's the promise of a snack. In another fine example of drones being used as a force for good, this week a dog was rescued from mudflats in Hampshire on the south coast of England because it …

  1. Little Mouse

    One question...

    Given that time was a factor historical in this life and death situation, was it strictly necessary to cook the sausage first?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: One question...

      I expect that cooking it improved (increased?) the odour from it, which I would expect to be important in gaining the dog's attention.

  2. OssianScotland

    The dog likes cucumber?

    Sorry, there is no way any self respecting canine would eat THAT!

    1. TheOldGuy

      Re: The dog likes cucumber?

      Our two dogs love cucumber, but then they eat almost anything.

      1. RegGuy1 Silver badge

        Re: The dog likes cucumber?

        Yep. My son's dog loves us to hide cucumber so he can sniff them out.

    2. JassMan

      Re: The dog likes cucumber?

      I don't know about dogs liking cucumber, but my cat (or rather the cat that owns me) likes olives, sundried tomato, chinese meals with sechuan pepper, moroccan with harissa, etc. Actually it seems to be anything well spiced, even the accompanying vegetables. When he is in a good mood, he stands on his hind legs to beg for a piece of trout but if you don't offer it quickly enough, he will rip your arm off.

      1. ThatOne Silver badge

        Re: The dog likes cucumber?

        Mine used to really love melon...

      2. DJV Silver badge

        Re: The dog likes cucumber?

        I used to have an absolutely mental cat who loved Doritos - they did make him fart horrendously. He loved milk (the cow stuff that's not good for them, not the made-for-kitties stuff) and you had to hold him back from the bowl you were pouring the milk into as he was so impatient to drink it he'd start before you'd finished pouring and end up with it all over his head. He also once ate up some orange jelly that had contained pieces of mandarin. His brother developed a taste for Bailey's Irish Cream Whiskey and would drink neat rum if he could get at it.

        1. JassMan

          Re: The dog likes cucumber? @DJV

          Yeah I forgot to say my cat also loves Doritos and any other crisps with spices on them - the hotter and spicier the better. Likewise as you say with the milk. I believe cats are OK with milk as long as they are used to it but once they start on it you need to keep supplying it in order to maintain the appropriate gut biome. If you stop for more than a few days you have to build them up to it again, very slowly.

          Thankfully, he doesn't like alcohol at all and the only way to get him off the table at meal times is to stick a glass of wine (or something stronger) under his nose. Anything else is treated as an invitation to stay. I know people say you should never let your cat on the table but when they are armed with a series of half-inch razor blades, you don't argue.

    3. Blackjack Silver badge

      Re: The dog likes cucumber?

      For some animals cucumber is like a candy... that won't give them diabetes.

  3. spold Silver badge

    So to bun it up - Fido follows flying frankfurter - guess he ketchuped with it, mustard done.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      The only thing that would have made it better is if Millie had been a weiner dog.

  4. keith_w

    My step-son's dog occasionally bursts out the door when someone is entering or leaving without him. Our usual method of retreiving him involves a treat, usually a Denta-bite or rawhide wrap which can be waved so he can see it.

    1. JDPower666

      Of course he does, he gets rewarded for doing so. Clever dog.

      1. Kane
        Thumb Up

        "Of course he does, he gets rewarded for doing so. Clever dog."

        Those are some very well trained humans.

  5. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Denmead Drone Search and Rescue

    Given that the maximum weight the drone can carry is one sausage, I think they really should just call themselves Denmead Drone Search, as they're not going to be hauling you to safety with the thing.

    The name might work if they do emergency snack deliveries when you're slightly peckish, and rescue you from hunger pangs. .

    1. slimshady76

      Re: Denmead Drone Search and Rescue

      I think this makes a tremendous occasion to define a new El Reg standard unit: the drone average payload, equalling one

      cooked* Aldi standard sausage.

      *Cooking obviously evaporates some of the sausage's water, so it's weight variation should be taken into consideration.

  6. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge


    "Man's best friend, though far from the dumbest animal, isn't that smart either. And if there's one sure-fire way to get a dog moving, it's the promise of a snack."

    So, like far too many humans then?

    <insert George Carlin quote here>

    1. Chris G

      Re: Uhm...

      I was wondering what could be achieved by dangling a pair of panties from a drone in front of a certain British political leader?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Uhm...

        He wouldn't recognise them as an invitation.

        Though he might stop in anyway for 20 minutes to be friendly.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Using a sausage was an offally good idea. Well done.

    <no text>

    1. Ken Shabby Bronze badge

      Re: Using a sausage was an offally good idea. Well done.

      Could have been wurst.

      1. Dr_N

        Re: Using a sausage was an offally good idea. Well done.

        They were definitely on to a weiner.

  8. Neil Barnes Silver badge
    Black Helicopters

    But the question is unanswered

    Who ate the bloody sausage in the end? The dog, the owner's father, the drone driver?

    1. Giles C Silver badge

      Re: But the question is unanswered

      You would hope the dog got it, knowing dogs if they didn’t it wouldn’t work again.

      Generally dogs will work for rewards but no reward = dog on strike.

      1. Sean o' bhaile na gleann

        Re: But the question is unanswered

        Yup - It's a dog-eat-dog world out there...

        1. Neil Barnes Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: But the question is unanswered

          Dog eat hotdog?

    2. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      Re: But the question is unanswered

      The radio news claimed that Millie ate half the sausage and nearly broke the drone.

      Still it is nice to know that the UK is still a nation of dog lovers, even in these troubled times, some things are important to maintain the illusion of calm competence and superiority that is so essential to the British way of life.

  9. Fred Daggy Silver badge

    bad pun time

    Not the Wurst solution!

    Wicked Wiener Woos Wayward Wolf

  10. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Most dogs are a lot smarter

    At least in my experience.

    However, I did have one that walked into an electric fence, time and time again.

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: Most dogs are a lot smarter

      Some humans would do the same

  11. Ken G Silver badge

    Replace fox hunting

    Have packs of dogs chasing sausage drones cross country

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Replace fox hunting

      Have packs of dogs chasing sausage drones cross country

      Well, that's one way to still have a drag hunt, but won't the PETA people insist it is a vegan sausage?

      1. the Jim bloke

        Re: Replace fox hunting

        a valid use for vegans..

  12. hatti

    Selected savoury products

    Personally, I wouldn't budge for an Aldi sausage, cooked or uncooked. Waitrose on the other hand, might initiate motion.

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