Silicon Secured Memory (SSM)
>> Code operating within one compartment has no access to any other area, which means that even if an attacker compromises one piece of the code or data, they cannot access other areas. Arm claims there has never been a silicon implementation of this kind of hardware capability in a high-performance CPU
The industry had Silicon Secured Memory (SSM) on SPARC since 2015, in the highest performing processors on the market.
Looking back on a 2015 register article...
- SPARC Solaris actually used the MMU to separate User from Kernel memory by default, avoiding typical non-SPARC pointer security exploits by hackers (do OS's on ARM actually separate Kernel from User memory maps today? This is an OS issue, not a hardware issue, and OS's should have been called out.)
- There is virtually no CPU cost for SPARC Silicon Secured Memory (SSM) protection in hardware, making sure pointers do not exit their [already reasonably secured] MMU isolated area
- The SSM under SPARC really only needs to protect from stray pointers in a very limited MMU area, so 4 bits is more than enough, which the 2015 article did not understand
- "If it doesn't alert anyone" was a false fear in 2015, since violations immediately notify Oracle via ASR in real time, before app owners are aware
Claiming protection in hardware "in a high performance CPU" is a first of it's kind, is ludicrous... the register should have caught & compared it to what already exists.