back to article Lots of new toys, caps lock still stuck on: ONLYOFFICE hits version 7

Another contender in the productivity stakes, ONLYOFFICE Docs, has hit version 7, introducing fillable forms as well as multiple tweaks for its web and desktop applications. ONLYOFFICE is yet another option for users seeking an alternative to the tech giants, and currently comes in a self-hosted or desktop guise. A cloud …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Does it produce output in Open Document Format?

    1. Captain Scarlet
    2. Lazlo Woodbine Silver badge

      To quote the website, which is a tad annoying, with it jumping to the bottom of the page randomly whilst I was reading it - "ONLYOFFICE Document Editor supports all popular formats: DOC, DOCX, ODT, TXT, PDF, HTML."

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It is also available for Mac

    See Title

  3. Ian Johnston Silver badge

    ONLYOFFICE is yet another option for users seeking an alternative to the tech giants, and currently comes in a self-hosted or desktop guise.

    What does "self-hosted" mean in this context? I thought it meant an OS with enough tools to compile itself.

    1. AndrewCappo

      Exactly what it says on the tin: a server software you host, yourself, as oppossed to paying Alistair Cloudsworth to host it remotely at his datacenter.

      (turtle islanders refer to the act of compiling a software with itself as "self-assembling" or "bootstrapping".)

      1. Ian Johnston Silver badge

        Thanks. Does that mean it runs through the browser? Forgive my ignorance.

  4. Blackjack Silver badge

    Is nice to have alternatives, how different is the OFFLINE version from LIBREOFFICE?

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      I would say a lot different: it looks and feels very much more like MS Office and uses OOXML as the default file format.

      I first came across it the other day when someone submitted a bug report on my library regarding styles. The bug, however, was with OnlyOffice but has, apparently since been fixed. So I'd take that 100% compatible with MS Office with a grain of salt, then again, it is nearly impossible to get that anyway.

  5. david 12 Silver badge


    My kids think 'dark mode' is modern, but internally I call it "DOS mode"

  6. mickaroo

    I hate to bow to The Great God M$...

    But under Linux, it seems more Office 365 friendly than LibreOffice.

    1. chroot

      Re: I hate to bow to The Great God M$...

      Is Office 365 user-friendly? Just asking.

    2. Mishak Silver badge

      Re: I hate to bow to The Great God M$...

      I just gave it a try under MacOS with a large ODT document. Whilst it managed to render the main content, it completely messed up the formatting:

      1) Page numbering (in a table within the footer to control the position) was not shown.

      2) Page headings (is a table within the header so they are displayed rotated within the margins) was missing.

      3) The correct font was used, but the wrong face.

      4) Character and page styles seem to be ignored completely.

      Mind you, from memory this is what Word does when it imports the same document, so the "compatibility with Word" seems to be there ;-)

      The pdf export is also inferior to that with LibreOffice (no TOC generation, ...).

      A pity, as the user interface looks reasonable (on a quick play).

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I really like ONLYOFFICE. The only thing that keeps me from using it is the lack of the mail merge feature on the Desktop version. Pitty. I know I could solve this using Docker or something, as a workaround, but that's not practical at all.

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