What would happen if
Every nation other than China with citizens/resources located in China (or a China-controlled region) pulled said citizens/resources out until further notice?
Yes it would affect the global economy (because so much manufacturing is based in China), but it would also hurt China as demand for the goods/services sourced there suddenly evapourated like smoke in a stiff breeze.
Got a chip making plant there? Close it up, bring your non-Chinese citizens home, bring home all your IP, equipment, supplies, etc, and just refuse to do business there until further notice.
Using Chinese programmers to write code? Pull out all your IP, revoke their license to code on your behalf, & hire talent to do the job locally instead.
Using ultra cheap Chinese (slave?) labour to build your stuff? Close up shop in China, pull back all your IP, revoke their license to work on your behalf, & bring all your manufacturing back home.
What would such a massive vote of "We Do Not Approve Of Human Rights Violations" coupled with a serious economic kick in the trousers do to wake up the Chinese government?