Re: To be fair on BMW
It's a good thing we don't have to list the color on the registration in our state in the US.
When I was a kid, my mother won a traffic court case based on the color of her car. She had a ticket written for having frosted over windows on the car (which wasn't at all true). She decided to fight the ticket in traffic court. When the lying creep of a cop was on the witness stand, it went something like this:
Mom: "Did you in fact clearly see my car?"
Cop: "Oh, yes, very clearly"
Mom: "And, you could see that for sure my windows were frosted over?"
Cop: "Yes, definitely"
Mom: "Since you remember things very clearly, without looking at the ticket, what color is my car?"
Cop: "Umm,"
Mom: "Your honor, I would welcome you to look out of the courtroom window at my WHITE car in the parking lot"
Judge: "(after a dirty look at the lying cop) Dismissed!"
I was about 7 at the time. That was when I learned never to trust the police. More than four decades later, my opinion of cops has only diminished!