Re: Yes! Both!
Once had an "artwork" built at the museum where the "artist" had connected 72 (or so - I really can't remember, but it was a lot) of those moving message displays to a computer and screwed them all to a 15ft high wall.
The computer was set to start at the Wikipedia article for "industrial revolution" and put the title of that article on each display. After a pause, it would follow a random link in the article, and put the title of that on display #1, follow another random link for #2 and so on. It would follow 72 links, then go back to the page for display #1 and choose a random link to follow from /that/ page.
There were two major technical problems with this. Firstly, although the displays would talk RS485 very nicely, the wiring was all "upside down" so that instead of a "backbone and drop" layout, someone had wired up (effectively) a star, so all the timings were messed up and data meant for one display would end up partly missing, or mucking up the data intended for another display. I spent hours with a soldering iron sorting that one out, after I'd sorted out the mess he'd made of the mains wiring, only to discover that the random characters and apparent "freezes" weren't all down to dodgy serial links.
The technical problem relevant here is that the displays had a limited character set, so rather than sending (to choose a random example), "Sächsische Maschinenfabrik" to the display, it would convert the ä to an a using a hellishly complex (and mostly unnecessary*) regex. Fair enough, but what the eejit forgot to do was to keep the original page title, and he would put the munged version back into the scraper in order to find the next link. In many cases (though not the example I gave :-) this would then totally fail to come up with a page at all, and the thing would put random characters on the display, which would then take no further (useful) part in proceedings.
For some reason, even though I pointed this out to him very early on, he refused to revisit this part of the code and for the three months we had the thing on display it needed rebooting three or four times a day, just to avoid 72 displays filled with random characters.
*unnecessary because the displays did have a reasonable selection of accented characters, but also (I later discovered) they had their own conversions for characters they didn't have, so generally speaking (and assuming a generally Western European alphabet) he could have sent the original page title and let the displays themselves worry about what to show.