Always date and time
There are always problems with date and time in computers. It is one of the most difficult things to get right. And when you get it right, you probably got it wrong anyway, somewhere.
More errors pop up with more fancy stuff you want. And then, not appreciating the date/time complexity is the real mother. Also, management does not appreciate the complexity of date/time and cannot fathom why it takes so long to program that damned clock, which results in forced coding shortcuts. Not taking the junior programmer into account, that is.
The company not acknowledging the problem, despite ample evidence, is a problem in and of itself. Then, after the 7 month self-repair timeout, you will get a car that skips the third gear. August in 2022 is the month where it has been determined that the third gear is no longer necessary and it is so programmed into the car software. After 5 months you will get the third gear back while Mondays will skip second gear on odd seconds. Management has declined any comment on that feature.