back to article US Commerce Dept says China has brain-control weaponry

The USA has added another 37 organizations – 34 of them from China – to its list of businesses with which US interests can't interact without a license, with 12 of them earning their places for developing "mind control weapons." As usual, the newly listed organisations earned their place on the grounds their activities …

  1. JamesTGrant Bronze badge

    Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

    Every morning I use my brain-controlled cutlery, and drink from my brain-controlled mug. Also ‘noun verb subject’ should be written ‘noun-verb subject’. Gotta love the ‘Men Who Stare At Goats’ vibe - our enemies are doing x, we must have funding to develop x.

    1. UCAP Silver badge

      Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

      "Brain-controlled" does not describe me in the morning until sometime after my third coffee

    2. Skiron

      Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

      I read a sort sci-fi years ago (I expect from my great collection of 'Pan book[s] of horror stories' which, alas, have been lost in the mists of time) in which all the top military bods in the USA gathered together all their top scientists for a secret meeting.

      They showed them a grainy B&W cine film smuggled out of the USSR showing the Russians using and flying an anti-gravity machine. They gave the scientists 6 months to build one.

      The scientists, now convinced such a contraption is possible, managed to build such a machine after a lot of head scratching, leaps of faith and downright brilliant engineering after 5 months.

      At the wash-up meeting, the top bods were delighted and went around all slapping themselves on the back - they then revealed to the scientists that the cine film was FAKE and no such machine ever existed, but NOW the USA had one up on the dreaded Ruskies!

      So, who knows what the USA propaganda machine is up to...

      1. Andy The Hat Silver badge

        Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

        Pan Book of Horror? "Lamb Amirstan" was my favourite tale ... about eleventy million years ago!

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

        I've read the same story - a good example of old scientists saying "we tried that years ago and it cannot be done" and young scientits believing them and not even trying. Until the film of the 'proof' forces them both to try out new ideas and eventually succeed (sort of).

        A good story, just wish I could remember who wrote it. Seems like A.C.Clarke.

        1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

          Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

          "we tried that years ago and it cannot be done"

          One of the ten good ways to kill an idea, along with:

          "It must have taken you all night to think that one up!"

          "No one has tried that."

          "There is no market for it."


          1. bombastic bob Silver badge

            Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

            my 'least favorite' one is a derivative of "People that are smarter than you are already working on it".

            But the truth is that people who say such discouraging things are simply TOXIC and should be removed from any position of influence immediately.

            As for brain-controlled things, back in the 90's there was this arcade-style video game in a computer store that had a couple of 'things' to put two fingers in, one for the right hand and one for the left. it was a downhill skiing game with a slalom course and you needed to "think right thoughts" for it to go right, and "think left thoughts" for it to go left. I played it for a few minutes, got the hang of it pretty fast. I haven't seen anything like it since.

      3. Ididntbringacoat
        Big Brother

        Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

        But, umm, aren't most sci-fi stories, just, umm, stories? I mean, like, in fiction.

        For a moment there, I thought you were actually suggesting US HAS anti gravity machines.

        1. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

          the current crop of antigravity machines rely on airfoils or raw thrust. the hard part is finding something to replace these. Jonathon Livingston might know

    3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

      "our enemies are doing x, we must have funding to develop x."

      Isn't this how the USA bankrupted the USSR by convincing them the Star Wars project was real and actually progressing to a working system? Are China now playing the same trick on the USA?

      1. martinusher Silver badge

        Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

        >Isn't this how the USA bankrupted the USSR

        You overestimate the impact of Star Wars. Its a nice theory but what actually happened in the USSR was a combination of economic reform combined with a political will to tamp down the Cold War -- it was getting seriously dangerous in the 80s. (if you were living in the UK at the time you'd recall the level of threat). The actual bankrupting was more a post-restructuring thing when economic 'advisers' -- carpetbaggers -- moved in and took control of large parts of the economy. That's why Putin's our current Bad Boy -- he in turn evicted the carpetbaggers, stabilized the economy and generally returned Russia to a more sovereign state (hence his enduring popularity over there).

        The Chinese aren't interested in bankrupting the US. We're doing it to ourselves. Although the roots started earlier things really got moving in the 80s with the buildup of military spending financed by deficit spending. (This was the era of the first full on financial scandal, the "Savings and Loan Crisis".) We stabilized the deficit in the latter 90s but starting in the 2000s things have got really out of control. We get away with it because the US dollar is the global reserve currency so we're effectively getting everyone else to pay for our deficits. (That's why we're rather touchy about countries moving from the dollar, especially for energy purchases.) Unfortunately we've now weaponized the dollar so countries will move away from it -- once that's happened to any degree then we will be in deep crap.

        1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

          Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

          Unfortunately we've now weaponized the dollar so countries will move away from it -- once that's happened to any degree then we will be in deep crap. .... martinusher

          Anything which and anyone who knows that matters, martinusher, has realised those red lines were crossed to an inordinate degree many moons ago .... and those who and that which can do something about it to avail themselves of just excessive rewards for being responsible, but not necessarily accountable, for events and future programs righting such wrongs, are pleased to be of service, and at your service in pursuit of the much greater good, via novel ethereal means and memes never before so very well exercised nor never before so well protected and defended against abusive attack and vainglorious misuse and pathetic systemic assaults with Vast Virgin Arsenals of SMARTR Almighty Weapons/Heavenly Tools/Diabolical Traps against which there is no known possible viable effective defence to prevent crushing and crashing defeats.

          Just desserts some say .... and who is to say they are not correct, given the present dire perilous state of current geopolitical and future metaphysical play.

          The only logical course of action then is to Offer an Honourable Unconditional Surrender, however, as has been noted in the past, and it does tend to cause serial problems ..........

          Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. ..... Albert Einstein

          1. Clausewitz 4.0

            Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

            Unfortunately we've now weaponized the dollar so countries will move away from it -- once that's happened to any degree then we will be in deep crap. .... martinusher

            You got a big part of it right... That's called a long-term Machiavellian plan... To see the big picture, please wait for some systems to get online (easy programming for Intelligent folks) and watch cryptocurrency markets...

        2. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: Aren’t most weapons brain controlled…

          "That's why we're rather touchy about countries moving from the dollar, especially for energy purchases"

          It's a bit late for that, considering that the Chinese are doing at Wuwei now what Nixon prevented Weinberg doing at Oak Ridge in 1969

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Only in the minds of the MIC can you leap from "research" to "using it to control" people.

    I have absolutely NO doubt that every single major nation in the world is engaged in similar brain research.

    Oh, look, Chicken Little, the sky isn't falling!!! *LMAO*

    1. hj

      "I have absolutely NO doubt that every single major nation in the world is engaged in similar brain research." Probably, but the way it is done is important too. But somehow, and this is probably prejudice, i feel that the Chinese government is a little bit easier on the ethical issues than most western powers.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        But somehow, and this is probably prejudice, i feel that the Chinese government is a little bit easier on the ethical issues than most western powers.

        .. or do they simply do not bother to pretend otherwise?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Actually remote mind control is a possible nowadays thanks to social media. For example

      "How Unwitting Americans Encountered Russian Operatives" [NYT Feb. 18, 2018], documents some cases where Russians tried to organized both demonstrations and counter demonstrations. Some attempts were successful, others not.

      I suppose you could say that was only tapping into pre existing trends - or even needs. Or you could say it was a form a fraud, which is nothing new. However, it is a also form of hybrid warfare, and it is using psychological techniques to dial up passions which Russia sees as a way to inflict damage. I don't think it really made more than an alpha of difference to what is already going with social media, but it is remarkable because it can be done via social media.

      As this article concern China, It's also worth mentioning that it's not something that China does, only Russia. Perhaps it is because Russia and the US have a lot more in common psychologically speaking.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Modafinil / speed

        Modafinil is a brain enhancer drug that's been around for a while that western military are turning to to replace use of amphetamines, which has been in use in the military for a long time.

        Many soldiers are drugged to the eyeballs, don't want them falling asleep, a little bit of paranoia and an itchy trigger finger is not seen as a bad thing. It better that your boys thing that everyone is out to get them that to realise that they are out to get everyone else. Arguably mind control? Certainly considered acceptable mental side effects.

        You don't get thrown out the war, if you soldiers are caught taking performance enhancing drugs.

        Of course Uncle Sam would like to imply they don't do that sort of thing by pointing the finger at someone else.

        Anon because Source: mates being given speed/modvigil in the army and other mate whose job it was to ensure they are taken.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Modafinil / speed

          Very bad for the soldiers long term health.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Modafinil / speed

            Which is a GOOD thing in this case. Not very useful after they wash out: mostly a drain on resources (ask the Veterans Administration).

  3. Casca Silver badge

    When do we get a new Firefox movie?

    1. bombastic bob Silver badge

      When do we get a new Firefox movie?

      ask Mozilla...

      (Who'd play Clint Eastwood's part?)

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Time for the next generation...

        Alison Eastwood

  4. Pete 2 Silver badge

    In plain sight

    > developing "mind control weapons"

    I have heard is said that is what Facebook et. al are.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: In plain sight

      That's what you've been controlled to think by thinking that's what you think they want you to think. It's all a conspiracy!

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: In plain sight

        Get your cheap radioactive necklaces here folks, they protect against all forms of conspiracy, especially 5G!!! Uses only safe ionising radiation to protect you from the dangerous very low power non-ionising radiation

  5. Jess

    China has brain-control weaponry, says US Commerce Dept.


    Not as effective as the American one, of course.

  6. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "purported brain-control weaponry"

    Ah, that ol' chestnut.

    A pic of a girl* in skimpy lingerie is brain control enough for me.

    * - of legal age, obviously

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: "purported brain-control weaponry"

      This must be one of the Chinese agents manipulating the mind control software...

  7. breakfast

    They've got brain control and magical lasers and... and... and...

    The sheer amount of wild conjecture that the US Defence industry will use to desperately claw for more cash from the government is extraordinary.

    Of course the Chinese do have a massive and growing technological advantage which will result in an effective monopole in the next century, but that's because they're educating their engineers and scientists without burdening them with a lifetime's debt. America is so busy spending that money on spurious military projects and invading places there's no chance of them catching up on that front.

  8. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    Not really a technology, but a psyops framework that is being widely used by the government on the UK population.

    Nudge only works if people are being unaware that they are being subjected to it.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: "Nudge"

      Probably true in terms of intention but not very well implementd. A competent psyops job would have completely squashed conspiracy theories by undermining them rather than just trying to contradict them. Just launch counter conspiracies that the original conspiracy theory was the work of deep state/Zionists/Islamists/white supremacists/whatever else triggers the group being aimed at.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Nudge"

        But what happens when the original conspiracies are already ready to fire back with counter-counter conspiracies that imply, "That's what they want you to think" and then use the same trick to preempt a counter on the counter to the counter: implying any such counter is just mind games until everyone's brain melts and they just return to the default?

      2. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: "Nudge"

        Just launch counter conspiracies that the original conspiracy theory was the work of deep state/Zionists/Islamists/white supremacists/whatever else triggers the group being aimed at.

        many politicians do that already, from what I can tell

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Brain controls weapon or weapon controls brain?

    Not clear from the headlines is it.

    "In Soviet Russia, weapon controls YOU"....

    1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: Brain controls weapon or weapon controls brain?

      Actually these sorts of Mind Control weapons are easy to disable in a conflict, just send a drone over the troops attacking you that drops marijuana, rolling papers, and boxes of matches.

      We declare marijuana to be a "dangerous drug" so lets start using it as a weapon in warfare - give all of our troops a big pack to use to defend themselves...

      1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

        Re: Brain controls weapon or weapon controls brain?

        Well, the UK did fight and win the Opium Wars against China in order to retain the right to sell opium in China. Although in that case the fighting was done to allow the mind control drug merchants access.

        1. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: Brain controls weapon or weapon controls brain?

          "UK did fight and win the Opium Wars against China in order to retain the right to sell opium in China"

          And that's something that China _really_ hasn't forgotten. It might get glossed over in British history lessons but not in Chinese ones

          Upcoming trade negotiations are going to be.....interesting

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Brain controls weapon or weapon controls brain?

        You forgot the munchies!

        Hearts and minds, right?

  10. Ordinary Donkey

    Why bother?

    China's mind-control expertese was amply demonstrated in the Korean war, Britain's in WW2. Why would somebody need to put it into a gun?

  11. batfink

    It's a conspiracy!

    It's obvious. This report is a conspiracy theory put about by tinfoil manufacturers.

  12. Clausewitz 4.0

    Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

    The original stuff was Russian, designed by Theremin, used for passively eavesdrop a room, then USA decided to upgrade it to target back, With a bit of neuroscience and nanotechnology in it.

    This video explains it:

    It is just a tiny tiny microchip inserted in a cavity with direct contact with a nerve.

    Made by NSA/GCHQ, used by CIA/FBI/NSA.

    Can be used to read thoughts (ideas), induce dreams or remotely to torture a subject, electric shock sensation included ( like electric chair, pretty funny if you can tolerate pain... I can )

    Do you really think Bill or Elon have all the ideas themselves? Not.

    Expensive stuff.

    I have a working sample of the microchip in my possession.

    That's why intelligent folks need to remove the microchip before decrypting serious stuff or giving serious information.

    And now USA does not want China to have the same power.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

      That, of course, is the biggest problem with the US claim: it encourages a whole sector of conspiracy theorists. :(

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

        That, of course, is the biggest problem with the US claim: it encourages a whole sector of conspiracy theorists. :( ..... msobkow

        Unfortunately/Fortunately the catastrophic vulnerability with the US claim is that it requires a whole sector of conspiracy theorists ....... thus is it destined to epically typically topically fail as is perfectly normal in such cases, again and again without fail.

        It does have one wondering if they are congenitally retarded and incapable of learning from their experiences in mistakes ...... in order to find an acceptable valid reason for such serial bad/mad/rad/sad/fad/lad behaviour.

        Or do you think there is something strange and unpleasant being put in that which they are taking/smoking/drinking? There’s bound to be a rational reason no matter how bizarre one may initially think it and protest to deny it.

        The secret though in such cases, whilst one moves on way up ahead in other leading matters, is to leave them alone with it and allow them to knock themselves out whilst conspiring with others amongst themselves to prove things not true and acceptable.

      2. Clausewitz 4.0

        Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

        I am a reverse software and hardware engineer, working with exploits also. I am not into conspiracies, just facts and code.

    2. teknopaul

      Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

      Save your self a click. the video is nonsense rant about Biden and Trump. It explains nothing, just makes accusations.

      1. Clausewitz 4.0

        Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China


        Please take a look:

        To see how waves works

    3. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

      @Clausewitz 4.0 - Marvelous satire, I hope.

      1. Clausewitz 4.0

        Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

        @yetanotheraoc - I don't joke. This is real life. See the recent sanctioned BioTech Chinese companies by USA. They are afraid to lose the technology.

    4. Ididntbringacoat
      Big Brother

      Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

      Any cavity? Posterior cavity preferred? So THAT's what those "Alien abduction probes" are about . . .

      The truth is out . . . where?

      1. Clausewitz 4.0

        Re: Brain Control, Havana Syndrome, Microchips, USA and China

        @Ididntbringacoat - Usually, tooth.

  13. iron

    > sound, light, electricity or even transcranial magnetic stimulation, or of course drugs

    Sounds like just another day for Project Blue Book and the CIA.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mind control won't work on most yanks.

    Needs a viable target

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      On account of requiring them to be equipped with a mind first?


      1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

        equipped with a mind

        I'm sure the military knows all about the type of recruit who will do the opposite of what the orders were.

  15. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Been there, done that, got the crazy T-shirt and realised there be bigger phish to fry

    Seems like China is late to Uncle Sam's party ........ Project MKUltra ...... if you can believe what you are being so forcefully spoon fed?

  16. Mike 137 Silver badge

    "Brain control weaponry"

    Didn't the US get there first?

    Twitter? Instagram? Facebook?

  17. LionelB Silver badge


    Okay, not exactly mind control, but you can give someone a pretty annoying facial tic with TMS.

  18. Claverhouse Silver badge


    Chief Director of Research and Head of Personnel, Dr Fu Manchu.

  19. Wolff

    Diplomats Ailment

    Does anybody remember when the diplomats were coming home with severe headaches and bleeding without understanding why? Does this possibly ring a bell? Think maybe this report and that occurrence have any correlation? I do,

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