Patient Zero?
Patient fucking Zero? Is that shorthand for "clown who opened an attachment?" Or maybe shorthand for "person who the clowns that pass for opsec didn't tell said "patient" not to open attachments and absolutely not click on links in email
But the excuse gets better...
Quote " This report highlights the speed with which the sophistication of cyber-criminals has grown, and there are important lessons in this report for public and private sector organisations in Ireland and beyond.” unquote.
I have to ask, has the sophistication and growth of your security not matched theirs? Indeed, Has it grown at all?
And please lose the shite about "lessons". You obviously learn't no lessons from other companies breaches. So, what is so important about your utter failure, that other companies should learn? Could it be security needs beefing up, but as it will cost money, we'll just go with the solution as in "fuck it, we'll just hope for the best"?
And whilst you are at it, lose the word "cyber". When used in this commonly used excuse for a fuck up, it just makes the user sound like a clueless twat. Oh wait....