Complete Domain Takeover
Ransomware folks can now go from simple RDP access to complete domain takeover in a few secs, till Microsoft patches arrive.
Admins must be shaking.
The day has a 'y' in it, so it must be time for another zero day to drop for a Microsoft product. In this case, a local privilege-elevation vulnerability to gain control of fully patched Windows 10, 11, and Server systems up to the 2022 build. Dubbed InstallerFileTakeOver by its author Abdelhamid Naceri, the proof-of-concept …
Sorry but that guy is a Muppet and deserves a public birching.
If he has beef with Microsoft then he should take it up with them not put the livelihoods of many people at risk because he feels a bit short changed. I wonder how many people could be victims of Ransomware because of his selfish actions. Or worse still how many people could could suffer life changing injuries or die if a hospital was attacked?
He is nothing but selfish wanker.If you don't like what MS pay go and find fault with some other company or even get a proper job and see the misery that people like you cause to the rest of us.
I really think it is time that governments made it illegal to reveal exploits in this way especially Google.
Really? Woke up on the wrong side of the curb?
Ok, usually I would agree with you on how not to disclose exploits, and there is a history of irresponsible disclosures, and those quite often originate at a hand full of companies (ok, mostly one). However this one is (if I interprete the article correctly) merely an extension of an earlier CVE, one that MS faild to patch correctly. Again. This means the information is already out there, and "security through obscurity" just won't work (well, even less than usually).
It seems to be better when the EU issues guidelines prohibiting to store privacy sensitive information on MS servers and accountants should refuse to sign off financial reporting from companies whose business critical systems involve MS products.
MS is a joke, not something people should do things with that may harm others.