If you work for Google, do everyone a favour...
And delay approval of this app as long as possible. Start being bloody difficult.
This is a massive shift in state control and is blatant discrimination. It's all about control, aka. Implementing 'Digital Shackles', so people don't think for themselves, but like brain-dead idiots, look at the results of an App, before making a decision about you. That, in itself, will have massive implications going forward.
None of us got into computing to control people using 'Digital Shackles', but to use software as an 'enabler', to make things simpler, so people could do more.
It starts with the unvaccinated, but it won't be long before it's checking your medical record for sexually transmitted diseases, to enter a nightclub.(and that's just one example). The real humiliation and control, is only just beginning, and remember those at the top, will be exempt from all this intrusive bullshit, that is all about money, and nothing to do with humanity.