back to article WTF is 'Computing First Networking'? Think load balancers for the age of edge

A new buzzphrase crossed your correspondent's desk: "Computing First Networking." WTF is it? According to a brief from analyst firm Gartner, it's "an emerging networking solution that provides services for computational tasks by sharing computing resources from multiple edge sites" and "a new type of decentralized computing …

  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    "have a role streaming video into cars to entertain their occupants"

    Because drivers these days need more distractions at the wheel.


    And don't tell me it'll be just for the rear passengers : what is the poor front passenger to do ? Stay bored ?

    Until we get true autonomous vehicles where everyone can watch a film, this tech should definitely be reserved for rear-seat passengers (but it won't).

    Oh, and does this mean future 5G car drivers are going to have ads for films on their maps ? Like, just before where you need to turn bam! up comes an ad for Gladiator 5 and now you've missed your exit ?

    1. ArrZarr Silver badge

      Re: "have a role streaming video into cars to entertain their occupants"

      I remember that Land Rover implemented a special front screen back around 2008-2012ish that would show different things depending on the viewing angle. This meant that a passenger could watch a film while the driver would only see the sat nav or w/e.

      Cool idea, but would be pretty grim to actually drive a full car and great distance I think.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "have a role streaming video into cars to entertain their occupants"

        Try driving with kids - all of them on their own channel. That's 3 streams, plus the data you need as a driver, minus the peace you need as a driver to do your job.

        No wonder the market for older cars has livened up :).

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: "have a role streaming video into cars to entertain their occupants"

      "what is the poor front passenger to do ?"

      Wear VR goggles of course.

      Maybe those could be a fix for "Are we there yet?" - "Just pop these on & you'll be there already, dear."

      1. Giles C Silver badge

        Re: "have a role streaming video into cars to entertain their occupants"

        Wearing vr goggles and the coupled with motion of the car, you may feel a little queasy.

        Also when you have passengers in the car occasionally it is good to actually talk to them.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The only real innovation here ..

    .. is that someone just invented new terms for executives to bandy around boardrooms to appear competent.

    Honestly, it is as if everyone has been wholesale acquiring marketing people from the cosmetics industry.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: The only real innovation here ..

      "Honestly, it is as if everyone has been wholesale acquiring marketing people from the cosmetics industry."

      Gartner could supply the cosmetics industry any day.

  3. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Oh, look. Somebody's just invented renamed client/server and PCs.

    1. Roland6 Silver badge

      "Enter Computing First Networking (CFN), which Gartner's Owen Chen describes as "a new type of decentralized computing solution [that] leverages both computing and networking status to help determine the optimal edge among multiple edge sites with different geographic locations to serve a specific edge computing request." "

      From what I remember of setting up load balancers/allocators back in the early 2000's they leveraged both computing and network status to help determine the optimal server. I can see the load balancers I was setting up were within a controlled enterprise environment and that edge load balancing/allocation is a more open and uncontrolled environment, however typical of Gartner to give it a new name just to confuse and seem to be more "with it" than they actually are.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "dyncast leverages a compute-aware module"


  5. TimMaher Silver badge


    It seems that our fridge does more bitcoin mining than the coffee maker and kettle combined.

    Although, when the oven is on, a lot of traffic is processed by it in competition with the hob and doorbell.

    The light bulbs are on a separate VLAN.

    I’ll get my coat. It has a smart torch in the pocket.

    1. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: Fridge

      >I’ll get my coat. It has a smart torch in the pocket.

      I assume that is running SETI@Home...

  6. LordHighFixer


    It seems the best way to use 'cloud' resources is to move the critical work to the edge (aka, on-prem), and make it more cloud like, with distributed processing, fail-over, load balancing and the like.

    I didn't expect to get to this point on the full circle so fast.

  7. Arthur the cat Silver badge

    Ah, fashion

    There's a theory that a lot of bullshit merchants consultants like to take an old fashion that's well out of date and stand the idea on its head to get the new hotness. Oh look, Sun's "the network is the computer" has just become "the computers are the network".

  8. trindflo Silver badge

    calculate a compute metric

    So a major innovation is constantly moving the goal-posts around? That has to have marketeers drooling.

    1. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

      Re: calculate a compute metric

      That's what consultants get paid to do. How much would you pay to be told "All's well here. Carry on."

  9. DWRandolph

    As long as none of those "edge" machines belong to me. If you want any of my "idle" cycles/storage/bandwidth be prepared to pay.

  10. reconoistre

    Off topic

    I consider windows to Be a blight worse than a virus so I use Linux.

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