"Adverse negative effects"?
As compared to advantageous negative effects? Perhaps bad negative effects, or possibly totally craptastic negative effects?
I'm confused...
Jointly US-Dutch owned Booking.com was illegally accessed by an American attacker in 2016 – and the company failed to tell anyone when it became aware of what happened, according to explosive revelations. The alleged miscreant, named as "Andrew", is said to have stolen "details of thousands of hotel reservations in countries …
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Without wanting to trivialise this breach it seems the journalists in question are looking to maximise publicity for their book.
Travel data leaks like a sieve its neither a surprise nor particularly newsworthy - especially given how dated the issue is. One wonders if spys were introduced to "sex-up" the story. Frankly if the average spy couldn't get access to Booking.com data they should be fired for incompetence.
Cold comfort to those involved in the leak - but if this is only itinerary information it ages pretty quickly and is mostly useless post the actual stay - *if* there were spies involved I would suggest this was a trawl for specific individuals in the ME and the rest of the people's data was chaff. If PCI or SPI had been part of the leak I suspect the Dutch regulator would have been all over them.
Without wanting to trivialise this breach it seems the journalists in question are looking to maximise publicity for their book.
Possible but unlikely given the newspaper involved.
I already read the article itself yesterday and the (not really hidden) real message was for the Dutch government and the Dutch security service involved (AIVD, Algemene Inlichtingen- en VeiligheidsDienst - General Intelligence and Security Service).
Frankly if the average spy couldn't get access to Booking.com data they should be fired for incompetence.
As the story told, at Booking.com they assume they are targeted by intelligence agencies, but there is little they can do about it until they find evidence while trawling their system looking for criminal data breaches. This leak was plugged. Besides, they have the full name and address of "Andrew", who made the mistake of working from home part of the time and also using Booking.com for a trip.
"Besides, they have the full name and address of "Andrew", who made the mistake of working from home part of the time and also using Booking.com for a trip."
Then I rest my case for "sexing it up". He was either an incompetent operative or not a spy at all. Most likely the latter, or a dupe.