At AndrueC, re: atomic clocks.
I would love to get one, unfortunately it also needs to say the time aloud so I can know it at all. Being blind means I can't just glance over & determine the time, I need to physicly interact with the clock to trigger an audio version.
There are talking clocks, there are atomic clocks, there are even a rare few talking atomic clocks, but they also tend to be so hideously expensive that it makes an Apple product look cheap in comparison.
My current desktop clock is a prime example. It's supposed to be a talking atomic clock, but it has *never* auto-adjusted to the best of my knowledge. Various sighted helpers have tried to determine how to force a time synch, to no avail. We can manually set the date/time, but it refuses to auto-adjust no matter what. We've even called the manufacturer & asked how to accomplish that function. They said to press a certain set of buttons in a certain order. Except this clock doesn't have any such set of buttons. I explained that to the maker, they RMA'd the clock back, sent me a new one... and it doesn't have those buttons either.
The only clocks I have that I *know* auto-adjust are the ones on my computer & the one on my cellphone. Everything else is either manual+talking, atomic+silent, or too old to tell time any longer.
Anyone want a cucu clock that only announces that it's thirteen o'clock? =-J