Re: fax servers
A few years earlier than that I supported a place which had a couple of Faxpress boxes, and they seemed to work pretty well. Castelle were solidly into Netware.
They were also responsible for one of the most amazing equipment failures I've seen.
A Large Power Event had taken out the network frame at an outlying site. I reached there, and decided that the frame's PSU had died and was not fixable there, so we got a courier to ship a replacement from central London.
While waiting for its arrival (the power event fell under "user error" so no time limit) their chap asked me if I was going to look at their print server too. With no network, a Castelle Lanpress was unlikely to function anyway, but with nothing else to do...
The unit was dead. Not a hint of a glowing LED.
Now external PSUs for this sort of thing usually have welded plastic cases, but this one had four screws in its base. The lid was removed and there, in its neat clips, was a fuse. Normally, you can see the blob of metal through the glass tube when a fuse has blown.
Not this time. The fuse wire had turned to vapour, silvering the whole of the inside of the glass.
For the first time ever, a fuse blew in order to protect the equipment, rather than vice-versa.
A visit to their Stores department got me a new fuse of the correct rating. The unit was re-assembled and the Lanpress worked, and when the network came back, the lights on it went green.