Re: Meanwhile.....
> In a way, the western model is a mirror image of the Chinese.
Except for pervasive religious persecution, genocide, labor camps, political trials, concentration camps, ideological tyranny, Winnie Xi The Pooh, absent independent judiciary, absent free press or media, absent civil rights, absent human rights, forced sterilization or imprisonment of members of specific ethnic or religious groups, constant surveillance of citizens and residents by the secret police, complete subordination of the state and government to the only political party in power, one-party system that maintains itself in power by violence or threat of violence, institutional totalitarianism, just to name a few.
One main difference between a Western-model democracy and China is that the former would like China to progress to a more liberal system, while China would like the latter to regress to its own horrific model.
At its core, China is a misery imperialist wannabe.
Funny thing: I haven't heard of many Westerners asking for political or economic asylum in China. Maybe there's a reason for that.