Too late, the fibre bringing the internet to our business park was modified by a JCB this morning...
The UK government has awarded management consultancy Atkins a £23m contract to help it get to grips with accidental damage to underground pipes and cables, which is costing £2.4bn a year. The Geospatial Commission, an independent expert committee within the Cabinet Office, has awarded the work to help it build "a secure data …
The last full-bore rupture of the UK's HP gas network (>34bar) was in the 1970's; where groundworks outside Glasgow for the then-new motorway resulted in a landslip shearing off the line.
How the hell it didn't ignite is enough to make you believe in a deity, but I can assure you a full bore rupture of a 36inch diameter pipe at 60 bar is something you do not want to be within a mile of if it does ignite. And preferably further than that.
The risks being what they are, thankfully, they are mostly approached carefully and such events are exceedingly rare. (And examples have been reported in El Reg iirc).
> cut a high pressure cross country gas pipe. I swear it sounded like
When that happened near me, the newspaper headline in the largest font I've ever seen (the "2nd coming" font) was "HELL BROKE LOOSE"
Yes it is equivalent to a good size jet engine except more fuel than air. The gas ball burns far up into the sky. LOUD.
I AM a bit puzzled why you have unexpected line-cuts. In the USA we have "Dig Safe". (I see it is known down under too.) Any excavation MUST call a single hotline, often 811, after marking the proposed area. All known line-holders are asked to quickly go to the spot and mark their lines.
Obviously imperfect. Some digs are urgent, like burst water mains. Some calls are pointless: there are no buried utilities in my neck of the woods, there is less than a foot of soil over the bedrock, so a 811 call results in 7 little flags "No known lines -- PhoneCo", electric, gas, water, sewer.... And as said, a lot of line-owners don't really know where they left those KiloVolts.
But if you didn't call 811 first and anything goes wrong, the utility can be really upset. In court if it goes that far.
I gave direct instructions to a third party that wanted to work above our assets to dig-by-hand only and request the presence of one of our ops personnel while undertaking works to ensure they do not hit them. Per the guidance in HSG47.
10km away from the site in question we had just had a cable strike from a different third party. I shared the details of said incident with the the new enquiry; photographs, burn damage etc.
6 months later I recieved an incident report where a sub-contractor to a sub-contractor to the third party, has jammed their JCB bucket through said asset. No request made for ops personnel to attend the dig.
The JCB driver didn't speak a word of English and had essentially been told go-over-there and do so and so; which he duly did and swiped the cable. No evidence that the requirements of digging safely in that location had made it down to the bottom subcontractor in the chain. He's also bloody lucky to be alive.
The incident in question contributed to the catastrophic failure of a large and expensive circuit breaker besides severing the cable; which could have caused fatalities had anyone been within 100m of it at the time.
Was there anything I could have humanly done to prevent the incident? Short of doing the work myself? What do we have to do, say to all third parties that they can't work in proximity to our equipment and have to pay us to do it? We do not have that degree of land ownership to remotely consider such an approach?
I lost a lot of sleep over this incident that should never have happened, if the right people were to talk to each other. Initiatives like this are good ideas, but the proof is in the delivery.
"I lost a lot of sleep over this incident"
Yes, you should have done. If someone got seriously hurt, you'd have been prosecuted.
While you can never prevent an idiot giving stupid instructions to an innocent, you can make sure the whole process is documented and said idiot has had to do something spectacularly stupid, deliberately ignore the process, etc. At that point you're at least covered against legal action.
> While you can never prevent an idiot giving stupid instructions to an innocent, you can make sure the whole process is documented and said idiot has had to do something spectacularly stupid, deliberately ignore the process, etc. At that point you're at least covered against legal action.
That's exactly what he did: gave clear dig-by-hand instructions. You seem to be ignoring the fact that the work (building a rocket silo, who knows) was nothing to do with him or his employer (presumably an electricity supplier) other than that the work extended over their cables. The work was not for his employer. He did not commission the work. He did not engage the contractors. He had only one point of contact - the person who asked for permission and they were fully warned, as per HSG47 as stated. Then those instructions were incompetently or negligently ignored by people he has no control over. And yet you seem to think this is somehow his fault?
The OP posted this message as a reminder for us all - that systems effects stymie the best intentions. And all you can do is blame the messenger. You'd do better to learn as you'll be in the same boat one day.
local to here where a major building project was getting off the ground, and needed foundations dug.
One of my relatives took the highly accurate map given to him by southern electric(as it was then) and put in fence posts and red tape to mark the route of a 11Kv line.
JCB driver begins to dig after being forcefully reminded not to dig into the marked area.
Big flash, big boom the driver is flash blinded, the bucket and arm are worse for wear and most of the area has gone dark.
Said relative arrives to find trench exactly where it should be.... smoking 11Kv line is 6 feet left of where it should be. the map was wrong.
My BiL was a contract excavator operator. Here in Oz we have something called "dial before you dig".
On one job, the supervising engineer called dbyd and got the position of a very large buried power conduit. Then as the excavator operator he got the bil to do so as well. Bil got the same info, and as it was high voltage, they got the surveyor to mark a no go zone 10m wide, ie 5m either side of the centre line.
Bil starts digging, big bang and flash and bil wakes up in the back of an ambo. Yes he hit the line, only he was digging 20m away from where the line was supposed to be.
Power company presents bil with a 30k bill for the repair. They were not happy when both engineer and bil replayed their recordings of the dbyd calls and were presented with photos of the site and GPS confirmation of the marked out no go zone. Bil gets a new excavator worth 150k from power company. It also seems that the electricity company had also dug their trench too shallow and neglected to lay warning tape at the standard depth to show their was high voltage cable below.
Site engineer had been caught before by bad dbyd info hence the 2 phone calls, recordings and the extra wide no-go zone.
"Was there anything I could have humanly done to prevent the incident? Short of doing the work myself?"
Institute $STAGGERINGLY_LARGE penalty charges with personal liabilties on company officers who screw up and make sure they sign off on it
Once your house and job is on the line, you start paying attention
If you think I'm jesting, it's more or less what several telcos started doing in the 1990s - the level of litigation damages they started going after JCB operators for was so high that liabliity insurers would wash their hands of the deal, leaving the companies high and dry.
A couple of well-publicised rounds of that ($250k-$500k/hour outage charges were common and liability insurance capped out at $2-5 million in most cases) and suddenly operators were _vastly_ more careful about where they dug - which was the intention all along
Always been a problem. Even where they exist the maps aren't reliable, and for most businesses it's cheaper to just dig than to take the time to search for underground plant, and/or to dig delicately just in case. Even if the insurance doesn't pay it's still usually cheaper for the business just to pay up. The dangerous ones (gas, HV electricity) are in fairly predictable places, and have warning mesh above them. Fibre and phone, it costs too much in time and labour to care in advance.
Not most businesses. Perhaps ones very badly run.
My company was peripherally involved in a cable strike some years back (serious injury / no fatality).
Nothing to do with us.
Our Directors got seriously grilled by HSE, and it was hugely stressful, and expensive (time lost to dealing with things/insurers/lawyers).
I can't remember what the fine was for the contractor, but it was not a token slap on the wrist.
The cost to fix the asset can be very high, and your insurer may refuse to cover you.
If you failed to do a search, you'll (almost certainly) be found negligent (which probably invalidates your insurance, so now you have the repair cost), which means HSE prosecution, huge fine and potentially a jail term.
For a small to mid-sized company, the fine will probably kill the company.
One of the other issues is that alot of services are in unknown locations..
Out local power company managed to "not be sure" that the farmers field wasn't being powered by the cable they had laid a mere 18 months earlier, despite it being the same person on site (who did remember putting the cable in, and knew we were the only property supplied by it) - computer said "don't know"... farmers fields aren't known for using a lot of power, and it's a good half mile to the nearest roundabout (which probably takes power from the power lines along the main roads feeding it)
Yup. I suspect a lot (perhaps the majority) of cable/service strikes are not because no one checked to see if there was anything there, but because they only checked the record plans, and the record plans can be far from accurate.
Active confirmation of services locations is increasingly expected / undertaken (PAS128 survey type A or B).
But didn't we all have this conversation about a month ago?
>One of the other issues is that alot of services are in unknown locations..
Another is that they aren't in the location the plans or system says they are.
A laugh I have is that my house is 3ft closer to the road than indicated on the plan, but it is in the right place if you use the geographic data off the plan - I know this because the OS surveyed it.
The problem was that the road was built 3ft off the plan location, given they had already done the foundations for my house the only option was to build the house between mine and the road 3ft closer to my house, but failed to amend the plan... Result neighbour thought the boundary fence should be located 3ft into my land rather than being located where it was...
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Privatisation is the cause. I recall that in the mid 1980's that BT were implementing a database system using laserdiscs, not just for BT cables, but applicable for other pipes in the ground.
Such an important service/capability was not seen as money making or beneficial, so did not get funding.
Having worked at BT Labs (above was not BT Labs) there were some fantastic ground breaking products that never saw the light of day, such as video phones using ISDN (2B+D) - that was 30 years ago.
such as video phones using ISDN (2B+D)
I was using video conferencing kit running over ISDN-2 well over a decade ago. (I fondly remember trying to bond multiple ISDN-2s - it was very fragile!)
This was during the era of "sleepy ISDN" (If you didn't use your ISDN-2 circuit for a while, BT would recycle the exchange line card for another customer as there wasn't enough capacity)
Privatisation is the cause.
Not really, most of the plant whose location is uncertain long predates privatisation.
I also worked for BT Labs, and there were plenty of good products that did make it. Many that didn't were technically clever, but had little market appeal. Video phones were a case in point, at the time they and their required network connectivity were too expensive for widespread use. 2B+D ISDN at 128 + 16kbit/s simply didn't give a useful experience until the mid-90s, CODECs were still too basic. Those were the days when the BTRL video conference suite needed 2Mbit/s connectivity.
A few years ago I accidentally put a fence post spike through the gas feed pipe to my house. It was buried about 50cm underneath my front garden. Beforehand I had asked Cadent, the local council, and the house builders and not one of them had a clue where the gas/electric feeds went. So, I put the spikes in and one of them hit the yellow plastic gas pipe. Luckily I smelt the gas before it blew up my house and I managed to claim the cost of the fix (£1000) on my house insurance. The Cadent guys who came out to fix the leak told me that the feed was too shallow (should be over 60cm deep) and that I was lucky as the main electric feed for the house was next to it and I had missed that by millimetres. It turns out that cheap builders only dig one trench and lay the gas and electric feed in the same one. Sounds dangerous as **** to me!!
10,000+ cable strikes per year, hitting the HV Distro networks. Any of which have potential for fatalities, and obviously, supply loss.
This is partially because services like "dial before you dig" are relying on data manually copied from 100 year old drawings using references like "cable 2 ft from kerb edge".
That means, given changes in road design and construction over that period, the info on where the cable is, is at best very uncertain.
The old GIS for Gas Systems has other problems; chiefly they are "2-D" and have no concept of vertical lines feeding into, for instance, tower blocks. At the time they were built, they were cutting edge, but somewhat old hat now. And not that old really, as infrastructure systems go.
Going back and re-cataloguing it using current technology is absolutely possible in a GIS environment. Should we have a centrally controlled register of all utilities and their locations to this standard? Yes. Who is going to fund building it.. There's your problem. Nobody is prepared to fund such things with no (direct) financial benefit.
Crossrail had a team of 70+ staff employed building digital twins of their infrastructure, and that is but a fraction of the scale of what's needed to catalogue national infrastructure.
A/C because I'm employed in one of the utilities and have long blown the trumpet about crap data leading to crap decisions. Though I do enjoy time capsules like the drawings of cables I have from the 1940's, where you can see where they were repaired and re-routed following bomb damage.
> This is partially because services like "dial before you dig" are relying on data manually copied from 100 year old drawings using references like "cable 2 ft from kerb edge".
What amazes me is that I was taught how to use a Cat and Genny to determine depth 40 years ago, but most modern users seem to have no clue how to do it (it takes about 30 seconds and is quite accurate)
It wasn't even my area of work, but I was expected to be able to repair the things, (they're a simple RF circuit) so I was expected to be able to use them in the field and understand the kinds of errors users would encounter
But there is no uniform process for "asset owners" – the gas, water, telecoms or electricity companies who dig up roads to lay pipes and cables – to share their data about where exactly they have put everything.
The antics of those customers suggests the main obstacle isn't the lack of a platform, it's their existing lack of data about exactly where they've put everything.
Please see the story above concerning a HV cable strike being a very-near miss with regards potential for multiple fatalities.
The third party looking to do work used LSBUD and talked to the right people in my organisation. i.e. Me! But they didn't act or even pass on the instructions given to them both in person and in writing, and ensure everyone working for them knew what was involved downstream.
Absolutely infuriating, and thinking about it again 5 years later I can still lose sleep over incidents like this- however out of my "fault" it might be.
One might even consider it a mild form of PTSD.
The trouble is that keeping records costs money. Keeping GOOD records costs a lot of money. That word "cost" is anathema to most companies, especially after the utilities were privatised.
Even where legislation exists about keeping records, the bare minimum will be done to comply with the law.
If your service is listed as being in a place that someone else digs into, that's the digger's fault.
If a place is apparently free of your service and someone hits something you didn't record, well tough. The company that failed to update their records should be liable for cost of repairs.
That's the only encouragement they need.
Although that adds costs.
If I'm going to be responsible for damage where I dig then I don't just want a 1-800-CALL-BEFORE-YOU-DIG I'm going to need the precise locations in writing, signed by a director, witnesed and filed with my lawyers before I set foot on site. From every water, gas, power, telco, etc that MIGHT have services in that area.
If a water main bursts in a High St on a friday evening then it's going to take till well into Monday before anyone can start work.
Echoed. Org where I sit has just downsized it's drawings team from 4 to 2, in a period where we are doing more new build (and therefore new drawings) in the coming 5-10 years than we've done in the last 20 combined.
Faster computers are all well and good but you can't automate QC beyond check-box compliance.
Senior Management are oblivious and ignored all the feedback given to them in the re-org consultation. Local management, and staff, are absolutely furious. But powerless to do anything about it.
It's almost like, you know, people should sign up to trade unions and take collective action? Too many people living hand to mouth though to garner much support for action.
20-30 years ago I worked in a GIS company that had a significant percentage of the UK's utility firms as customers. With water companies in particular, the assets are so old that they have no idea where a load of them are. I remember one company telling us "well, the water pipe goes into the farmer's field here but we have no idea where it goes after that, but if we shut it off we get complaints from 5 different villages, even though they're supposed to be fed by different pipes".
In other cases it's the usual "as built" ≠ "as designed". Gas pipes 10 feet away from where the map says, electricity cables only 18 inches down when they're supposed to be 6 feet down (that one took out the power in my neighbourhood when the local council put it a parking restriction sign), stuff rerouted because of a Victorian sewer that wasn't supposed to exist.
Good luck to whoever gets the job, because they're seriously going to need it.
>Good luck to whoever gets the job, because they're seriously going to need it.
I don't think the contract is to find all the stuff
I don't think it's even to record all the stuff
It will probably end up being a web page with links to various utility companies 'contact us' page
I had a summer job at an electric utility 50 years ago and even back then they had the location of every piece of equipment and cable surveyed down to one-foot resolution over several counties. This turns out to be very useful in predicting power flows and heating and overloads. "Which transformer do we replace first?"
But these days, where I live all the services are underground and stll, if you have any sort of utility work done a guy will show up with his underground scannig device and look for everything again, putting in little flags and spraying red paint on the grass. The local power utility is replacing street lights and I saw sombody pushing a Ground Penetrating Radar down the street.
"The local power utility is replacing street lights and I saw sombody pushing a Ground Penetrating Radar down the street."
Yup. The technology to _find_ stuff underground exists and is widely used. The problem is it costs and cowboys don't want to pay for it (quite frequently seagull management aren't even aware such equipment exists)
It'll go over budget and fail. Sorry to sound pessimistic but there are too many companies involved and each of those companies will have to implement processes once (if?) the current data which will be in many many formats is consolidated. It reminds me of the various attempts to fix the NHS.
There are a number of cable circuits in our major cities that follow particularly convenient routes, such as canal tow paths. These areas are clearly marked with danger warnings not to moor in those particular locations.
Unfortunately that doesn't stop someone hammering a whopping great iron spike into the earth to tie up their barge. First we knew about it the oil pressure in the cable dropped to nothing. It was, fortunately for the hapless barge owner, out of service at the time for maintenance, so getting a geyser of mineral oil in the face was the worst that happened. Dumb luck that it wasn't much worse outcome.
Several years ago I read a story of a Uni student who decided to try an map the various bits of cabling that existed in a particular location from public sources of information.
He observed some risky conglomerations of various bits of infrastructure on his map.
He observed that one particular bank had all of its communication infrastructure going through one point accessible by a manhole cover a little bit down the street and around a corner.
He went to the bank and asked then if they were aware of this vulnerability. The bank got very upset and would not let the student leave the building.
Some alphabet agency got involved and they promptly hired the student and got him to do the same project on a national scale.
We had our local gas supplier dig up all the gas pipes across $TOWN a couple of years back ... they were replacing the old cast-iron pipes with new yellow plastic ones. The result was a network of molehills, tunnels and so forth right across town, for several weeks. And, by and large, the contractors were obvious cowboys.
[1] As part of the operation, they turned off my gas, took the meter out, put the new pipework in and replaced the meter. So far, so good. But when they did the leak test, it failed, and they were about to walk away (leaving me with no gas heating, in November ...) when I suggested that they might like to try tightening up the meter connection *that they had just re-installed*. Yup, that was where the leak was.
[2] A few houses up the road, they had a fault with an electrical earth. The electricity supply was earthed to the gas pipe, and the new plastic pipes do not conduct electricity. The result was that one house got a 400V+ surge which destroyed every appliance in the house, the owner was bodily thrown off the ladder he was half-way up at the time, and half of the estate lost all its electrical power (and random appliances were destroyed in several other houses). The electricity crew turned up and restored power after about 6 hours (at about midnight!), by somewhat unconventional means (some houses, including mine, were supplied via a bypass cable running *above ground* through several front gardens).
Not, strictly speaking, "inside" the old cast pipe - more, along the old route and surrounded by bits of broken cast pipe.
They have a mole they can pull through the old pipe which splits it and expands it, while towing the new plastic pipe behind in behind. Then they have to dig a hole at every tap off point to re-connect each customer. If the customers are lucky then the same technique will be used to put the new plastic service pipe in - otherwise they'll have their nice smooth drive "re-designed" with a trench.
Ah, that sounds like a "lost neutral" which is a known problem with TN-C-S (a.k.a. PME) supply systems.
Basic lecky supply description. There's a 4 core cable runs down the street - three phases and once combined neutral and earth (CNE). The CNE is earthed wherever it's convenient (typically at joints) and the DNO (Distribution Network Operator) will have rules about how many and how "good" these earths must be.
A typical domestic customer gets a two core cable* which brings in the CNE and one of the three phases. At the services head (a.k.a. "main fuse"), the CNE is split to provide both your neutral connection and the earth. The more awake will already have spotted that if the CNE is broken, then there's nothing to carry away the lecky that's come through the live core and through your appliances - hence the CNE at the user's premises will rise to a significant voltage (could be as much as 240V (nominal) above ground).
But if the shared CNE in the street cable is broken, then multiple houses will be sharing the "not a neutral any more" core, and as the houses will have different loads and be on different phases, the voltage seen between live and "not a neutral any more" will vary between "not a lot" and "up to 415V". This will fry a lot of equipment.
But the voltage between the consumer's earth terminal and ground won't go above 240V (well actually, the upper limit is 253V) relative to local ground. The problem here being that all that carefully "earthed" metalwork - like the body of the washing machine, probably your plumbing, etc, etc - is now "live" relative to local earth.
In many ways TN-C-S is very far from ideal, so much so that there was a proposal (that didn't make it into the latest edition) for the wiring regs (BS7671) to require that every property be fitted with it's own earth rod just to deal with the "broken CNE problem". And it's also why almost all home car charging points now actually have a system to detect this and disconnect the "earth" from the car (after disconnecting the power) to avoid having a car with live bodywork surrounded (potentially) by earthed metalwork like fence posts or lamp posts.
Here when something is buried, a beautiful colored warning grid is put a little bit upper to warn the digger there's something behind. Yellow for gas, Red for electricity, blue for water, green for telecoms. It didn't stop backhoe operators to sever fibre cablers in the neighbourhood every year three years in a row. Last time they severed 72 fibre cables which were buried 1.2m deep.
I'm not sure having a map with everything indicated would help lot, when anybody in public works don't give a damn.
"It didn't stop backhoe operators to sever fibre cablers in the neighbourhood every year three years in a row."
If there's a warning grid above and the operator keeps going then personal liability should be accruing to BOTH the operator plus employer (for lack of training) - and liabliity insurers will soon get leery
From what I recall, it was a deliberately unmarked/unrecorded duct because when it was installed it carried government communications (which were unencrypted at the time). When they slung fibre through it nobody thought to add it to the mapping because they assumed it was already there.
It also contained asbestos which hindered the remediation works.
The Netherlands have this as part of the land register for a long time. (Kabel en Leiding Informatie Centrum KLIC)
Still prone to errors: a draftsman told me he forgot a bit of a 20" water pipe in the corner of the map. Needless to say, that was the spot that was dug into with a huge fountain as a result.
A housemate had a holyday job with a digging firm. Near an airbase he encountered some cables that where not on his maps. He phoned and asked: "are these cables yours"? Answer: "We don't know, we won't tell and it is a secret anyway" "OK, so you are fine if I cut them?".Within minutes the military police arrived.