Have siphoned off $5.3bn in Bitcoin payments
How much is that in Pogbas?
Or, for a livelier discussion, can I buy 5.3 million entry-level iPhone 13s with that amount of money?
Whether or not non-fungible tokens are a flash in the pan or forever, malware operators have been keen to weaponise the technology. An investigation was triggered after a number of cryptowallets belonging to customers of the largest NFT exchange OpenSea got mysteriously emptied. Researchers at security shop Check Point found a …
And here we go again : sloppy security practices by doofuses who couldn't care less until it's too late.
Well I am actually starting to hope that such organizations do get stung. If that's what they need to learn to do their job properly, then that's where the training money should go.
It's one thing to get hacked when you have proper opsec and you discover, belatedly, that there was a hole in there somewhere where the miscreant got through. It's entirely a different story if you get hacked because you left all the doors open. In that case, you definitely deserve what you get.
So "Investors" in an NFT exchange that is used be people to make virtual money on virtual things get their virtual wallets emptied.
As far as I can see all three parts of it are unregulated so whoopee, don't come bellyaching when you lose everything. One assumes that these investors have some level of technical knowledge as the are using BitCoin and investing in NFTs. They are idiots as well but there really does come a time when it is not possible to protect people from their own stupidity.
So "Investors" in an NFT exchange that is used b[y] people to make virtual money on virtual things get their virtual wallets emptied.
Yes, three layers of abstraction separate them from reality. Perhaps they will manage to transcend this mortal realm to become virtual beings. We should be so lucky!