back to article Google Cloud will let you know how your workloads are damaging the environment

Google is taking its cloud platform to the network's edge while aiming to arm customers with data about the damage their compute workloads are doing to the Earth's atmosphere. At its Google Cloud Next event on Tuesday, the search giant intends to announce a series of novel or more refined products and services. The event …

  1. b0llchit Silver badge

    Green all the way until it rains

    The company plans to be truly carbon free – using only clean energy – by 2030

    That is such a load of shit that it hurts. The company is still building using concrete, steel and plastic. The computers in the data centers and many other usables are non-recyclable. You know, the cradle-to-cradle idea. The intermediaries are not under control (f.x. logical and physical [data]transit costs). Etc., etc., etc...

    The problem is the whole supply-chain and use(r)-chain. If you want to be carbon free, then you must control much more. That is not happening. Suddenly all these large corporations are pretending to care. However, the thing they care about is the corporate bottom line. They say so themselves by stating wanting to convert any and all (government and private sector) to using their machinery. That must be remembered.

    Everybody is still so focused on more and more... To become carbon free, we all need less.

    [/rant mode]

  2. Mike 137 Silver badge

    "To become carbon free, we all need less"

    Absolutely correct. Quite soon (in the historical sense) we will get less unless we curb our demands now. The natural resources needed to "decarbonise" energy are not only getting harder to acquire as the demand for them increases, but many of them are extremely non-green to acquire. Unless we take this into account, our prognoses will be way off target and we'll waste billions of bucks without achieving "net zero carbon". These two Manhattan Institute reports are well worth reading.

  3. adam 40

    Cloud? Tropical storm more like....

    The knee-jerk reaction to the latest hike in the price of gas shows you we aren't ready BY A LONG WAY...

    Mark my words, it will go up by a few thousand percent before the end, and petrol too.

  4. devin3782

    We need to be "Seen" to be carbon neutral. As yes being "Seen" when ever that is said you know some rampant hypocracy is happening or another way "talking out of our arses"

    This is the pot calling the kettle black surely, most of google's pervertware workloads could be seen as harming the environment and certainly harming society, perhaps they should take a long hard look at themselves, how many products have you put in landfill prematurely google!

  5. Omnipresent Bronze badge

    Get Me Off Your Servers.

    Does it tell those evil SOB's how damaging their skynet servers are? Or is that no longer allowed by the AI?

  6. Amentheist

    I can imagine the following Google cloud console alert:

    "Remember that infinite loop you didn't stop for 30 seconds? 10 koalas dead."

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Google Could make a difference

    Just ban ads in Google Search and Chrome.

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