it's always corrupt market manipulation AND price fixing. the two go hand in hand.
Memory price 'correction' is coming, world's fourth-largest DRAM-maker warns
The world's fourth-largest memory maker, Taiwan's Nanya Technology Corporation, has predicted a price "correction" in late 2021. Speaking at the announcement of the company's Q3 results last Friday, Nanya president Dr. Pei-Ing Lee said sales of consumer electronics, servers, and smartphone sectors remain sparky. But demand is …
Monday 11th October 2021 19:01 GMT Anonymous Coward
Yeah, the DRAMurai line hasn't appeared in a while
The El Reg has covered the decades long history price fixing of the DRAM cartels. We are about due for another lawsuit, which do the nearly toothless nature of enforcement will start after three years and take four more to wind through the courts.
I expect the slap on the wrist to arrive sometime just after the new fabs are entering volume production. Hopefully this will also address the coordinated squeeze in supply for the broader semiconductor industry at the same time, as prices have been held high as the initial supply crunch eased, and record revenue is being booked.
After the Thailand flood the prices on storage held high for a couple years past the end of the production problems, especially on low volume purchases of enterprise drives.
Fortunately, our on-site computing needs have grown on a slower, and fairly linear scale, so we can keep using cheap and nearly obsolete crap to run our operations and run out the clock on the supply chain shortages. But our HP and Dell sales people keep calling 11 times a week laboring under the delusion that we are going to buy 8 new 2u servers at 11-15k a pop. And those don't come with anything that is adding real value to me, like all NVME storage or real GPUs. All that still costs extra. And right now all they can offer me is to pay more for the Intel tax on servers with the same grade NICs, same generation SAS and slow ass RAID cards, and space for 10x the RAM I will ever need.