"This is the first time the Nobel Prize has been awarded for [..] the study of climate change"
The Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry were this week awarded to scientists for groundbreaking research into climate, complex systems, and a new type of catalyst. Princeton University's Syukuro Manabe, 90; Klaus Hasselman, professor emeritus at the University of Hamburg, 89; and Giorgio Parisi, 73, of the Sapienza …
I understand that many footballers in a single month gain greater reward than these people get for a life’s work because what they draw a very big audience etc, and of course there is more to life than cash but I do admire the scientists and engineers far more than sports and entertainers.
It's also a nice endpoint when you're preparing a carbon dating sample for the scintillation counter. Char sample to carbon. Heat with lithium to form lithium carbide. Add water (oh, look, South Belfast water supply from Silent Valley has radon in it) to form acetylene. Clean up the acetylene at low pressure given acetylene's tendency to explode. Convert to benzene.