The right tool for the job
I still have not encountered a Conservative member of parliament who will answer the question which system would you rather have if your job description included "Meeting some of the most violent members of society and detaining them". Airwave has features that are superior to those touted for the 4G (aren't we on 5G these days?) replacement. For a start a big, friendly, emergency button that only needs to be held down to transmit a distress call. The person who needs help may speak but does not necessarily need to because the call alternates between send and receive, the operators are alerted to the call which has priority over all other traffic, and the operator can hear what's happening. The 4G alternative is "hang on, would you mind not beating me with a shovel while a make an emergency call. After I get this phone to start up and just as soon as my credentials have been verified."
Airwave also supports connection into command and control systems and displays the status of the user which can be changed by the user to show what they are doing. The C&C system then updates the information. It's all simple and rugged. The only failing with Airwave is that government did not take the option to fit their terminals with a SIM meaning that users must carry around a phone as well as Airwave.
The only issue here seems to be, yet again, those in government making poor policy, not funding it properly, and signing contracts that hand the supplier enormous amounts of cash.