Re: Meanwhile in the IKEA bathroom....
Thanks for the interesting link. But wow - I hadn't realised just how bad my 1970's school-induced French had become!
Back in the early 2000's I worked on a concession (let's call it "Home of Boxer") in a huge department store that was selling certain Scottish crystalware. We had a sister-consession (same over-manager) in another rival department store ("Deborah Ham") at the other end of the mall.
It turns out that someone noticed that expensive goods (designer coats, electrical goods, etc) were being 'returned' sans-receipts to the 'Deborah' ScotGlass concession and cash refunds given.
All tills in both dept stores are run by the stores' accounting departments. All tills can process concession and store goods alike.
The aforementioned over-manager, had been running this scam that had cost the 'D' store many tens of thousands of pounds.
Cameras had been covertly placed above ours and the Debby concession tills. The Debby cam caught the O-M and cronies in the act. The dodgy O-M had till access at our store as well, but my awesome line manager (after I found junk substituted for our CrystalWare in our stock room), became suspicious of the O-M and never let the woman out of her sight when she was on our 'Mat.'
I get it, but if it hadn't been for the cameras over our till in HOB, we would have been tarred with the same crap-loaded brush. As it was, we came out smelling of roses, and the O-M and her mob got criminal records.
Cameras watching staff are not always bad. Just not in the areas like the bogs ffs!!!!