Re: Douyin Bug Report #6489: Unforeseen consequences
"a generation who don't blindly follow the rules and are much better at innovating, rather than copying"
Some of them yes, but it'll be a small minority of proper punk rule-breakers because it always is in any society. The rest who do follow the rules regardless how stupid they get may end up with (by modern standards) a stunted intellectual development due to the lack of games and online social tools (and uh dance-video apps) to feed their creativity, and social, logic, strategy skills and generally help inform them about the world. I suppose the big question is what they do instead. If it's yet more homework questions, or sitting in front of the TV being preached to by party-controlled media endlessly, then it's probably going to be detrimental to the innovating. It's an interesting, if ill-advised and cruel, experiment.
There'll also probably be more young nationalistic nutjobs who take the party line too seriously, come to view games and social media as truly the work of evil spirits or Western conspiracy and continue to inflict that view forcefully on the rest of society for decades to come.